What is Happening?

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It was one of your few days off since finally going back to normal post Covid-19 and you were taking the time to yourself to get back to writing fanfiction.  It was something you had been neglecting as your brain just couldn't really function.  Waking up and grabbing a cup of coffee to wake up your brain as you sit in front of your laptop in your room. Opening up your applications you notice that you have a ton of messages and notifications.  Wow what happened? I mean you sometimes have a bunch of notices but not messages.  Confused as you go through your notifications first seeing a ton of new comments as you start to go through them all.  Thanking them all individually or answering their questions.  Knowing that not everyone is willing to comment so it's awesome when you do see it.  You are almost half way through your coffee when you finish all of the comments. As you get back to the main screen you first take notice of HOLY FUCKING SHIT! You went from like 2,000 reads to 200,000 reads in less than a month. 

Then deciding to go to your inbox and read the messages.  Some of them saying thank you, some of them criticizing you.  But there is one that stands out, with how simple but interesting it is. "Hello 'Saritha'  I have to say thank you so much for being respectful while speaking your truth.   I would love to learn more about you and your process. Please message me back or you can reach out on skype at" Copying the name as you download Skype onto your new computer, as it has been a long time since you last used it. While waiting for the download to finish you went through the rest of the messages responding to different people and thanking the for their time.  Going back to the Skype app you somehow remember your log-in information and open the screen, trying to remember how to navigate your way through and add the name to your friend's list as you wait for a response.  

Knowing you will need more coffee to full be able to comprehend what is happening let alone to try to start writing.  You start to think in your mind could it possibly be someone connected to Adam in some kind of way that is reaching out and how weird that would be.  Heading back up to your room as you sit back down and see you have a message already from the person you added. "Good Morning 'Saritha/Drusilla.  Happy to hear from you and look forward to talking to you more." is the message you are greeted to when you come back to your computer.  "Hi to you as well.  You can call me Saritha, Drusilla, Morgan, or Rose.  HAHA.  I would be lying if I was to say I wasn't a bit perplexed when I read your message." You reply back as you take your first sip of coffee.  Deciding to get up and change into some real clothes and put on some mascara and chap-stick.  Ever since everything with Covid had happened you decided that you wanted to do stuff that made you happy everyday, so sending funny photos to your friends who lived all around the country was one of them.  Taking your daily funny photo and sending it on discord before going back to your computer. Grateful you hadn't picked up your coffee as you sit back down as you read the message waiting for you as your mouth drops.  "Well Rose, from reading your stories I can tell you are a very perceptive person so I won't even beat around the bush.  I would like to talk to you on video chat because I don't think you will believe me if I was to say who I am."   At this point it is either someone totally fucking with you or someone who is in Adam's camp.  The one good part with it being Skype you have nothing to lose, you can easily close out and block and delete the person if it is just some asshole.  Checking yourself before you write back, "Ok mystery person, I am more than happy to video chat with you."

Just as you finish taking a sip of your coffee Skype starts to ring as you quickly swallow and take a deep breathe before accepting the call.  You know your eyes bug out of your head as much as you try to keep yourself calm as you realize who you are on skype with.  "Umm wow Joanne I would've never expected this.   It is an honor to meet you and talk to you." As you try to sit on your hands not to fidget as you are talking to her.  She smiles a soft yet knowing smile, "Well from that reaction you weren't expecting me."  She starts to laugh which makes you laugh as well.  "I was thinking it was either someone fucking with me or it was someone that was involved with you guys.  To expect it to actually be yourself is a crazy thing in and of itself and I am humbled and honored to meet you and now I feel really awkward with some of the things I have written.  Please know I wrote them all with the deepest respect as I feel like you are a Goddess, and I'm sure you aware I'm far from the only girl who has a thirst for your husband."  You bit your lip as your face scrunches up.  She laughs a good honest laugh as she smiles, "I have gotten some glimpses of the collective thirst on the internet and it still surprises us.  The reason why I wanted to talk to you in particular, is because your writing is different than many of the others who have been brought to my attention.  There is a rawness to your work that draws you in completely to a very vividly depicted story.  Have you ever thought of screenwriting?"  You feel tears come to your eyes of pure joy to hear this coming from Joanne, that she was in no way offended by some of the crazy things you had written about. "Um wow, no I honestly had never given a thought about writing before everything happened with the stay at home orders.  With being stuck home I wanted to do something different.  I mean in high school to process things I had gone through in middle school with depression and stuff I wrote some poems but never anything like this.  I have been amazed with the amount of reads I've gotten on my stories that it is beyond anything I could've imagined when I started a couple of months ago."  You say just being totally honest with her as you see her nod, "Well you have a gift, and I want to help you.  Especially that new story you are currently writing I am already in love with the concept.  I wanted to invite you to come to our apartment in Brooklyn this weekend if you are around? I know it's kind of short notice but was hoping it might work?"  Thinking of your schedule, and grateful you were still closing a little early, "Was there a particular evening that might work before you guys?  I do have work this weekend but I get out around 6pm, from that part of New Jersey to where you guys I am about an hour or so."  She nods, "Ok then how about Saturday night?" You smile as you nod, "Ok sounds good, should I bring anything?  I guess I'll download Skype to my phone so we can communicate and I know where to go."  You say as you respond back, as you see she gives you a re-assuring smile, "No just bring yourself, I already have your new story printed out." You wave goodbye as you hang up, as you are sure you are closed out on skype you scream OOOOOHHHHH MYYYYYYY GODDDDDDDDDDDDD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Your mom comes running up stairs as she sees you shaking, "What's wrong what happened?"  Taking a couple of seconds, "Well umm I didn't tell you this but part of the reason why I was on my computer so much during the stay at home orders if because I started to write stories about Adam Driver.  Somehow it reached Adam and Joanne, and I just got off the phone with Joanne and she wants me to come to their apartment on Saturday night.   So I will not be home for dinner on Saturday as I will be at their fucking apartment.  Fuck what do I wear how do you even prepare for this!"  You mom hugs you to calm you down, "You start with a nice dress.  When you are more calm I would love to know more about this."  She gives you a tight hug, as she goes to your closet and finds one of the nicest sun dresses you have along with shoes. 

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