if your fancy suit can get destroyed, it will get destroyed

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"You sure have a lot of guns for a person who isn't supposed to be shooting anyone today," Akaashi commented with a raised eyebrow as Bokuto attempted to stuff another pistol down his trousers.

Said agent gave up on the trousers and shoved the gun in his inner jacket pocket, adding to the two already in there. "But Akaashi, I always gotta be prepared, y'know? Were you never a boy scout?"

"Nope," Akaashi replied, deadpan.

Kuroo did little in attempts to hide his snickers, and Bokuto pouted, looking around the comms and supply van to locate his next weapon of choice. He didn't get too far however, as he was interrupted by Iwaizumi swiping a pistol from his stuffed pockets.

"Hey!" Bokuto whined, "That's mine."

Iwaizumi rolled his eyes and slid the gun into a holster hidden under his grey pinstripe jacket, after taking a moment to admire the firearm. It was a rather beautiful one, with brown leather and good weighting, and he felt lucky to have ready access to such valuable weaponry. "As one of the people who will actually be shooting people today, I think I can justify taking it. Plus, you can't appreciate a well-maintained Walther PPK like this enough to use it properly."

"Jeez Iwa-chan," Oikawa tutted as he fiddled with his earpiece, and began selecting his own guns from the racks set up on the van's walls, "don't be so pessimistic. We won't even need to shoot anyone if this mission goes well."

"You sure it's not optimism?" Iwaizumi smirked.

"You're such a barbarian, Iwa-chan!"

"Pretty sure barbarians don't have such good taste in weaponry."

"But you have similarly awful tastes in fashion."

"Can you really say that when I'm wearing a five hundred thousand yen fitted Brioni suit?"

"That someone else picked out for you!"

Kenma interrupted from his position at the front of the stationary vehicle, closing his laptop. "Alright, if you can stop bickering for two seconds, we need to review the assignment details before you leave."

"Yes Mum," Oikawa grumbled.

"No, Akaashi is the mum. I'm the depressed aunt who doesn't want to be here."

The four field agents - Iwaizumi, Oikawa, Kuroo and Bokuto - promptly finished their preparations, weapons concealed and communication devices in place. They gathered around the small table set up in the middle of the van where Akaashi had pulled out various maps and files. Kenma came over from the front to join them.

"Okay. Now, I know you lot like to have your fun and everything, but we need to put all our efforts into staying undercover today in order to successfully find evidence in support of our suspicions against County Finances. You already look the part." Kenma gestured to their suave new suits, amused eyes lingering on Kuroo's hair that had already begun to un-style itself, "Mostly. Now you just need to act the part."

"As you've been told," Akaashi picked up, "this is a wealthy and distinguished finance corporation. In order to dig in deep enough to find the information we want, you must blend in and avoid any suspicious activity. They have enough influence that being caught snooping around and not having found anything to incriminate them could mean we end up in quite a lot of trouble."

Akaashi sent a stern look towards Bokuto and Kuroo. "That means you two better be on your best behaviour. No giggling or calling each other bro."

"But we have the most boring job," Kuroo said with a dramatic sigh. "All we get to do is have a lame conversation with boss-man just to keep him occupied, while those two actually get to kick ass."

if your fancy suit can get destroyed, it will get destroyedWhere stories live. Discover now