[1] Moving & Mondays

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    I have lived in many different places such as Tampa, Florida, Norman, Oklahoma, and Joliet, Illinois. My family and I moved around a lot because of my mother's work so we never stayed anywhere very long. The price to pay for all of this moving is not keeping many friends. During the recent summer we had moved to Santa Monica, California and we spent a whole three months getting everything settled and getting my younger brother Ashton and I signed up for school before it started back up again.

   Ashton is going into the sixth grade this year whereas I am moving into my Sophomore year of high school. What was even worse was I would be completely new to the school, it would be a lot less scary coming in new as a freshman, but a sophomore? That was pretty bad. I knew I'd be running around the school like a chicken with its head cut off trying to find my classes.

   When the last week of summer rolled around I was stressed and panicking. I had never done well with the very first day of school. My brother had one more week of summer before he started school which wasn't fair but what are you going to do? My mother always told me to stay positive about school so Ashton wouldn't have to worry about the years ahead, but how was I supposed to stay calm? Seriously, you would think she didn't know me at all. Once Sunday hit I was as nervous as ever, I was jittery and shaking in my room trying to calm myself down. When I went to bed that night, I barely slept at all.

   My alarm clock went off what felt like seconds after I fell asleep, but nope. It was 7:00 o'clock on a Monday morning. I made myself get up and get ready for school, even though I didn't want to. The first thing I had to do was eat because I was starving. My mom was cooking sausages for breakfast when I walked into the kitchen, but I just grabbed an apple.When I was done picking out an outfit and doing my hair I still had a little bit of time left and I happened to be hungry again. I walked back into the kitchen to grab a sausage really quick, but there was already a plate out on the counter with a note next to it...

   "I knew you would want a sausage before you left so I left you one to eat. Before you question how I knew you would be hungry again, believe me, you do this more than you think. Have a good day at school! Love, Mom"

   I smiled and laughed a little while reading the note. I guess she knew me better than I thought. I quickly ate the sausage and then grabbed my backpack to head out to the bus stop.

~I know it's not the most interesting part of the story to read but I promise it only gets better from here! Part [2] will be up later today!

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