Michelles nightmare from hell p1

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One afternoon, Carla was having tea with Sally and a client in the factory, Michelle had recently broken up from Steve and was staying with Carla in her flat. Michelle held her phone in her hand, desperate for someone to talk to, but she thought she had already bugged Carla enough. She grabbed her coat and walked outside, she suddenly felt an arm grab her by the shoulders and cover her mouth, she was dragged away.

MICHELLES POV: I could feel his hand squeezing around my throat, I was terrified, he pulled me back into the flat... I then realised it was Tony, Liz's fella, I thought he was drunk and was going to call her... Before I could reach for my phone... He shoved me on the floor and my head smashed against the coffee table. He was on top of me by now and I could tell what he was going to do next. I froze. I struggled, I tried to get away from him...I couldn't.... He towered above me and kicked me over to the sofa. My side and head was throbbing and I could see his shadow fading... He slammed the door behind him as he walked out of the flat with his coat and a bottle of wine.

My hands trembled as I reached to pull my leggings back up, and wiped away my tears but by now they had already stained my face. I was weak, and my eye lids were feeling heavier and heavier. I reached for my phone and dialled Carla's number... She answered
"Hello? Chelle could this wait as I'm in the middle of something-" Sobbing," come home...please....." (Weeping) I put the phone down and my head fell slowly to the floor... I rested my head on the cold carpet, waiting for help.

Knock knock. Michelle-" Who...who is it?" Carla-" It's me, I forgot my keys" I used all my strength to let her in, I heard her footsteps as she walked up the stairs. Carla-( Walks in and drops to her knees) " Hey hey chelle what's happened?" Michelle- " He he..." Carla- " Who. What. You've got to tell me darling!" Michelle- ( she sobs her heart out and her hand trembles as she scrapes her hair back" " T.. tony, raped me.... He he raped me Carla" ( Breaks into tears ) Carla-" Alright alright... Just lets get you up on the sofa and I will ring the police" I was listening but everything was going straight in and out... I was so scared that she wouldn't believe me... She was so helpful and mature about it all, she was like a nurse as she continued to wrap blankets around me and wash my hands and face" There was a knock at the door...
"Hello... It's the police..."
CARLAS POV: I could feel her hands moving up and down rapidly, she was sweating and crying her eyes out. I felt so sorry for her because I know how it feels. I stood up and opened the door, the police walked in followed by 2 investigators. "Michelle Connor, we will need to take ou down to get you checked and then down to the station to give a statement." She just looked at me, tears still dripping down her face, she couldn't speak. "Come on Chelle, I'll come aswell, it's gunna be alright, yeah!?" I helped her to her feet and we walked out of the flat.
MICHELLE POV: I was so weak, and scared of going outside, Carla had her arms around my waist and back to support me from falling, my legs were like jelly and my eyes were hurting from the light. I got into the car and we drove to the clinic, all the way here she held my hand and kept giving me a squeeze to reassure me everything was going to be fine, it was times like this i wished my mum was here, but then Carla was like a mum to me, a sister, a best friend..... We arrived at the clinic and Carla led me inside. "Just through here please Michelle Connor" I walked in not letting go of Carla's hand. "Please wait out here madam" I stared at her, pleading her to say something. "I can't, she's my sister, I can't leave her." "Michelle do you give permission for your sister to come?" I just nodded, and we walked in. They checked me everywhere, and I was aching, all the time Carla was rubbing my hand and mouthing to me that it was ok. I was glad she was here, I couldn't face it alone... After, we drove to the station, where I had to give a statement, alone. "Chelle I will wait out here alright, I'm going nowhere ok?" I nodded and she smiled back at me.
CARLAS POV: She had been ages in there, what if they don't believe her! What if he's already gone, escaped. She was in that room, alone with no one she knows at a time like this. I was hoping that she would come out any minute now. She did. I ran over to her and she fell in my arms, her eyes were red and her clothes were soaking wet, I didn't care I held her tight in my arms and we was dropped off home by the police officer. We couldn't stay in the flat, so I remembered I still had the keys to Robs flat, which he hadn't sold yet. We went in the flat an the investigator informed Michelle about what she could do, and what her options were. I could tell she couldn't listen and concentrate, so I told her I was experienced in this and I could help her. She left and I locked the door behind her, closing all the ways for someone to get in.
MICHELLES POV: "Why Carla, why did he do that..... I... I never led him on or anything" "I know I know you didn't chelle, course you didn't. Come on, you look tired" She held me by the shoulders and led me into the bedroom.
CARLAS POV: I covered her with the blanket and layed close next to her, her eyes glared into mine and said more than words could. I felt a year slide down my face and remembered what had happened to me a few years ago and how Michelle must be feeling. I wanted to be there for her like she was for me, I wanted to be the big sister I should be.
MICHELLES POV: I could feel her cold chilly breathe on my face, I was freezing but it was quite refreshing, I just needed comfort after what had just happened. I moved my leg and hooked it over hers, her hand stroking my hair and tickling my face. I rested my head on her chest and she rested her head on mine, I could feel her tears because they dropped on my face, an mine were probably dropping on her hand, we just didn't care though, as long as I had Carla I was fine. And she had me. I hugged her so tight that I bet she couldn't breathe, but I couldn't let go for some reason. She hugged me back too, she was everything I needed in my life. She had me, I had her. She was all I needed
CARLAS POV: We're a team me an her, the Connor sisters, team carchelle, and I will never ever leave her. I turned and smiled at her and she smiled back."It's me an you til the end now kid" :) :)

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2014 ⏰

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