The King's Daughter

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"It's not right, they can't just kill a man for using magic," the princess shook her head as she gazed out the window, flanked on her right by the king's ward, Morgana, "not even using magic, what did father say? Conspiring to use magic?"
Morgana sighed, taking her hand comfortingly. "I know, Ariana, but you mustn't let Uther hear you say such things, you may be his daughter but he shows no mercy to sorcerer sympathizers." The princess shut her eyes tightly as the headsman's axe fell upon the poor boy's neck. The sound was wet and loud and Morgana squeezed her hand tighter. Before Ariana could speak though, an older woman began shrieking in the square below.
"There is only one evil in this land, and it is not magic!" She pointed an accusing finger at the king, "It is you! With your hatred and your ignorance! You took my son! And I promise you, before these celebrations are over... you will share my tears. An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, a son for a son!" Her words were racked with sobs, and although she did fear for her brother, Ariana could not help but feel sorry for the wretched thing.
The king's eyes clouded with anger, "Seize her!" The woman was quickly surrounded by guards, but before they could get a step closer, she vanished in a cloud of smoke to all who were witness to such a feat's amazement and horror.


The feast that night was loud and festive, but Ariana had lost her appetite.
"You know, sister, you're going to have to eat sometime." Arthur leaned over, nudging her in the arm.
"I'm not hungry..." she muttered, pushing the plate of pork and various vegetables away from her. Arthur shrugged and rolled his eyes.
Uther cleared his throat and looked over to his children. "Have either of you seen Morgana? Why hasn't she attended the feast?" Arthur shrugged and bit into a turkey leg.
Ariana sighed, "She was... distraught after this morning's execution... she said she didn't feel like celebrating."
Uther scoffed, "Her insolence truly knows no bounds, doesn't it?"
"Do you want me to go check on her, father?" Ariana offered, eager for a chance to escape the feast.
He shook his head, "No, that girl needs disciplined, I shall see to her." The king stood up from the table.


Ariana stood in front of the mirror, she peered into her eyes. Too green. Even though her hair was blonde like her brother's, her vibrant green eyes made her stand out among her family, a mark that she was an outsider. She shook her head, banishing the tedious thoughts from her mind. Ariana began sectioning her hair off, first into two bigger bits, then those two into three. Her hands shook as she attempted to braid her hair, and she let them fall in defeat.
"Lorelei?" She called, and her maid emerged from from the closest where she was selecting her clothes.
"Yes, my lady?" She smiled, moving the three dresses she held to one arm.
"Could you..." Ariana bit her lip, embarrassed to be asking for help, "Could you help me with my braids."
Lorelei cocked her head. "Of course my lady, but first, which color would you like today? You are to greet the Lady Helen this afternoon, correct?"
"Yes, I have never had the pleasure of hearing her sing myself, but she's the finest in the Five Kingdoms from what I've heard." She turned from the mirror, placing her hands behind her back to hide the tremor. "That blue one looks lovely, Lorelei, you have quite and eye for these things." Lorelei smiled and placed the sky blue dress on the bed. It was elegant and slim, but still modest. The bodice was decorated with intricate embroidery of silver and gold, and three pearls were sewn into the neckline. She gestured with her hand and Ariana turned around to face the mirror once more.
"I suppose I would be, my lady, my mother was a seamstress after all." Lorelei chuckled softly and got to work on Ariana's braids. Her fingers were nimble and quick, but also gentle. Ariana watched her in the mirror, trying to ignore the growing lightness in her stomach.
"Thank you, Lori." She turned from the mirror and smiled.
"It was simply my duty, my lady..." She smiled softly.
Ariana cleared her throat. "Do you know where Arthur is?"
"Training, I believe, my lady.. why do you ask?"
She rolled her eyes, "I need to make sure he's not tormenting some poor servant."
"But... you aren't permitted to leave the castle grounds."
She shrugged, making a final check in the mirror. "I'm sure I'll figure something out, I always do." And with that the princess of Camelot was off.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2020 ⏰

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