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It was 11 in the morning when I woke up, pretty late but it was the holidays so I decided to sleep in.

I picked up my phone of my bedside table, it said:

'Message from Tess at 9:43'

I opened the text from Tess


I looked at the date on my calendar of Dan and Phil (2 lame but cute youtubers) and it said 'June 25th'.

Nothing came up in my head which I had to do today so I texted Tess back

'Uhmm hey where were we supposed to go today?' 11:11

I immediately got a text back from Tess

'To the 5sos concert! You said you would be here at half 8! Please be fast the last train we can get is at 12pm if we want to be on time" 11:12

'Oh and don't forget your ticket' 11:12

And then the stressing began, I got out of bed and had a 5 minute shower. I walked to my closet in my room without realizing my curtains were open so my whole neighborhood could see me naked, I pulled out my black shirt, a red and black flannel and some ripped black jeans.

I ran downstairs with my hair still in a messy bun, ate some cereal and went to my bathroom to do my hair real quick, I put it up in a high ponytail.

I picked up my phone looking at the text 'Oh and don't forget your ticket' which I almost did, I ran upstairs and got my ticket and VIP pass from my desk, ran to the door and walked to Tess who lived 2 blocks away from me.

I got at Tess's house at 11:21 which wasn't too bad because we still had 39 minutes before the train came.

We said bye to Miss. Jamez and walked to the train station.

I could see Tess was super excited because everything she said was hundred times faster as usually. She asked me if I was excited for the concert and I said:

"well no not really but I just want to see you happy and you should meet them, I mean if they weren't here with their music and stuff you wouldn't be here."

Tess looked at me and hugged me super tight and said "Thanks Liv you're the best friend I could ever wish for"

The train ride took about 2 hours and we arrived in London at 14:11. Tess said she knew the way to the O2 arena so we walked to the arena. When we came to the O2 arena we still had to wait ten minutes before we could go in.

We had places right at the front, commercials appeared on the screen, it looked like we were in a massive cinema.

After the commercials and the self promotion video, the band came on stage, and I got half deaf because of the screaming girls.

They started introducing themselfs and I only understood that the blonde one was called Luke and the red haired on Michael.

They played about twenty songs and I knew a few because Tess always sang them but I only really knew the words to their covers of american idiot by Green Day and Teenage dream by Katy Perry.

The concert wasn't my favorite but it was nice and I was just really happy I made Tess smile.

I was getting really tired but we still had to go to the meet and greet, I was not excited to see these Lame ass fuck guys from this band.

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