Tonks' Fun

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It was just another regular day at Grimmauld Place, that was until Tonks came across an old box. She glanced inside, but the only thing that was there was a picture frame with a picture of a baby. On closer expectation, she noticed that the baby in the photo looked a lot like Harry, but it couldn't be because why would a picture of Harry be at Grimmauld Place.

Tonks pondered long and hard about why there was a picture of who she thought was Harry until she concluded, she was going to transform into the baby and attend the order meeting like that, The Order would answer her question for her.

Tonks closed her eyes, when she opened them again she was the height of a baby she looked in the mirror making sure everything was accurate, but she forgot to change one thing, the eyes. She then realised that she would have to leave now because of her tiny legs.

Tonks started walking but soon fell over, so she resulted to crawling leaving her with extremely soar knees, but she carried on. It wasn't until she came to the stair when she regretted changing before walking down the stairs. Tonks started descending the stair when she heard two gasps from behind her.

She turned around and saw Remus and Sirius they both looked stunned and their mouths were wide open. Remus was the first one to react, he bent down and took a closer at the baby that sat in front of him. He eyed the baby curiously until he turned back to face Sirius.

"Sirius this baby looks exactly like James," Remus said looking behind him at Sirius.

All Sirius could do was nod in agreement. Remus picked up the baby he realised there were wisps of pink hair among the black hair, he turned back to looked at Sirius.

"Come on, we're gonna be late for the meeting," Remus said as he started to descend the stairs with the mystery baby in his arms.

"Yeah, maybe we can ask Mad-eye about the baby and why it's here". Sirius said as he followed Remus down the stairs.

Remus and Sirius entered the dining room with the mystery baby. Mrs Weasley ran over and gave Remus and Sirius weird glances.

"Who is this, and why are they here?" Mrs Weasley said as she took the baby.

"We don't know who this is or why they are here Molly," Remus said while Molly handed the baby back.

Molly nodded her head toward the dining room "the rest of the Order will be waiting, and after you can ask Alastor about this one" Molly said as she pointed to the baby.

Both Sirius and Remus nodded before entering the dining room. Everyone was curious about the baby in Remus' arms, Remus shook his head before he and Sirius sat down waiting to hear about any new information the Order has found. It was half-way through the meeting that Remus saw that his girlfriend Tonks was missing. That when he wondered whether the baby in his arms was his girlfriend, but soon forgot about it and carried on listing to Mad-eye.

After the meeting, Mad-eye approached Remus and Sirius, he glances at the baby, before grabbing it and placing it on the table. He stared at the baby until he came up with a plan.

"Get whatever member of the Order you can and come back here". Mad-eye said all while staring at the baby that was on the table.

An hour later, the Order members assembled with their wands out and pointed at the baby. Mad-eye glanced around the room before drawing his wand.

He pointed his wand at the baby and said "Finite Incantatem". The Order was shocked when the baby morphed back into Tonks. Mad-eye had a knowing smile, as did Remus.

"Okay, I was not expecting that," Remus said, trying to act surprised while staring at his girlfriend.

Tonks was still on the table as everyone except Remus and Sirius left the room. She looked at the floor before asking both Remus and Sirius.

"Are you mad at me?" Tonks asked Remus and Sirius.

"Of course not Nymph, It was quite funny actually". Sirius said as he doubled over in laughter, then hugged Tonks tightly.

Tonks looked at Remus, she was scared, that he was mad at her until she saw the grin appear on his face.

"That was hilarious Dora," Remus said then hugged and kissed her forehead.

Tonks was happy that she hadn't caused too much trouble, but Mad-eye still lectured her about why she should do that in these dark times, and she told Mad-eye that it was only a joke and that she was sorry.

It was later, and Remus and Tonks were in bed until Tonks turned around to look at Remus. Tonks asked the one question she had been wondering since she found that baby picture.

"Remus, who was that the baby I morphed into?" She asked before one of Remus' hand brushed across her cheek, and he kissed her cheek.

"That was James that you morphed into, Sirius has pictures of all the Marauder's, well all except Peter, because of what he did to James, Lily, Sirius and myself". Remus said before planting a kiss on Tonks' temple then another on her nose.

Tonks nuzzled into Remus' neck before planting kisses on his jaw then moved to his neck. "I would love to see your baby pictures and Sirius' too, I bet you looked cute as a baby". Tonks said while smiling

"Maybe another day Dora," Remus said gave Tonks another kiss then nuzzled in her neck.

Tonks and Remus were just about to fall asleep when Remus whispered into Tonks' ear "Oh, and by the way, I knew it was you when I first saw you".

Tonks turned back around shocked "how," Tonks asked

Remus kissed Tonks' hair before facing her "because of your hair, there were wisps of pink amongst the black" Remus said before they both fell asleep in each other's arms.

I hope you enjoyed, this is my first one-shot, and the reason I haven't been posting is that I wanted to make this decent. If you have any suggestions about anything I could do better, I am happy to read them. I hope you had a good day. Stay safe.


Hogwarts Princess

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