Chapter 1 (MYRA KOSHI)

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" I looked around the table at the others daring them to disagree with me.

Noa spoke up, "I agree with Myra. Either ways we are going to need to gather some supplies to last us until we can decide what to do."

This time Chris was the one to speak, he nodded at Noa and cleared his throat, "We should plan out what we need and split into groups to find it."

I grabbed a pen and notepad from the shelves behind me and started to write out the shopping list. "We're going to need milk, eggs, bread, cereal,-

"Oh can we get lucky charms!" Noa yelped.

"No." I replied trying to surpress a smile.

"Pleeeeeaase." He pouted.

I laughed at him, he sounded like a five year old. "Fine."

His face immediatley lit up and he smiled. I loved it when he smiled.

I smiled back and continued, "Okay then, milk, eggs, bread, lucky charms," I glanced at Noa pointedly "water, canned soup, spagetti, some fruits, veggies, mac 'n' cheese, ice cream and juice."

I looked around the table once more.

"We will also need some basic cooking materials, walkie talkies, flashlights and some warm clothes. We'll also need some backpacks, tents, and an emergency kit. Noa and I will get the food and you three can get the other supplies," I announced, handing them the shopping list "Meet back here at sundown, deal?"

I recieved a round of 'sure's and nods. But Noa stayed silent. I looked at him questioningly.

"Myra..." He flicked his head to the door and I followed him there. I could feel the others' eyes burning into my back as we headed outside.

"Myra..These people they..They don't have the experience we do with surviving on their own.."

I rolled my eyes "Spit it out Noa."

"I think I should go with Braxton and Debby and you can go with Chris."

I hesitated. Noa and I hadn't really been seperated since...Well since ever. We had grown up together as close as two can. But, he wasn't wrong. If the others were on their own they could get lost or hurt. And not to mention the 'Changes' would be starting soon, and who knows what that could cause. "Okay."

Noa smiled at me but his smile didn't reach his eyes. I forced a smile on my face and looked him in the eye. "I love you Noa."

"Love you you too."

We walked back to the room but once I put my hand on the door handle I heard murmurs and the shuffle of footsteps on the other side. When I opened the door, I scanned everyones faces of fake nochalantcy and realized that they had been eavsdropping on our conversation. I rolled my eyes at them. "Okay so change of plan, I'll go with Chris for food and Noa will take Debby and Braxton to get the other stuff. Lets go. I give Noa a quick hug and head out the door and I hear Chris getting up from his seat and following close behind me.

As we walk towards the nearest shop, I take out the silver clip I have in my hair and fiddle with it. Opening and closing it unconsiously. Chris is walking beside me, kicking rocks on the floor. He is currently kicking a gray pebble and I watch as it skips to a stop in front of me. He runs up to it and kicks it again and my eyes follow it as it rolls to a stop again. Chris jogs up to the same pebble and kicks it with his foot once again, and I watch as it flies about an inch off the groung only to hit the side of a wall. "We're here!" Chris shouts to me from his position behind me. I roll my eyes at him. "Really! I didn't notice." I shout back, my voice dripping with sarcasm. I look back at him. He's wearing some dirty jeans, an orange shirt, a Golden Bears cap, and a black hoodie. He smiles at me. "You checking me out Koshi?" I just roll my eyes in response and put my clip back in my hair.

The shop was a jackpot. They had carts of gallon water jugs, stacks of canned soup and buckets full of mangoes. Chris said that he thought mangos were disgusting! Like, what? Who hates mangos?! I didn't say that though, I just rolled my eyes at him. But anyway, the best of all was that they had shopping carts. I was so happy I didn't have to carry anything I squeled, scaring Chris. He ran over to my aisle and looked at me his eyebrows scruched and his mouth set in concern. He was holding a pool noodle like a sword. I laughed at him and he frowned back. "You look so stupid!" I said in between laughs. He pouted like a five year old and smacked me with his pool noodle. I glared at him and he relized that he had made the wrong move.

"Oops." With that he sprinted away and I chased him to the cash registers where I chucked random items at him. He ducked and hid behind a register. I stalked quietly before pouncing on him. I grabbed his wrist and bent it behind his back.

"Say sorry and promise to never do that again."

"Okay, okay, I promise."

I grinned and let him go.

He licked his lips mischieviously before grabbing a pack of gum and throwing it at my head. I doged but he was already running away.

"You traitor!" I sceamed at him.

I was pretty fast when I wanted to be so soon I was right at his heels. I cornered him and he put his hands up in surrender. I pointed a plastic spork at him.

"If you do not wish to die by the tips of the spork of defeat, you must complete a quest."
He smiled but nodded. "Like a dare?"

"Sure." It sounded much less frightening that way though. "I dare you to jump into the nearest.

Thats how we ended up at the side of a pool in a fancy house on our way back to headquaters.

"Well hurry up, the suns going down and we have to be back by sunset. Noa and the others are probably looking for us now."

He dipped his foot in the water. "It's cold." He whined

"Does it look like I care?"

He still wouldn't jump so I pushed him in. He clearly wasn't expecting it cause he sceamed. He came up for air and I looked down at him in the pool.

"Hey!" He cried out at me.

I laughed. "You had to do it sooner or later."

He glared at me till his face lit up. "Help me out." he told me, sticking his hand out.

I eyed him suspiciously but took it and pulled. Unfortunatley, he was stronger and pulled he in with him. When I came up for air I glared at him. He just smiled and shrugged his shoulders. "Whoops."

We climbed out and headed back. I started to get cold so Chris offered me his hoodie, which was dry because he had taken it off before I'd pushed him in so I took it and used it as a towel to dry myself off. When I gave it back to him, Chris looked a little surprised, like he wasn't expecting me to do that but I just ignored it. I noticed how before it had smelt like chocolate, like Chris, but now it smelled a little like something else...Like water. If that even is a smell. When we walked back inside Noa, Braxton, and Debby were already there and were talking about something. When they saw us they started, mouths slightly open. Debby was the first to speak. "What happened to you guys."

I glared at Chris pointedly and jabbed my finger at his chest. "It was his fault."

He scoffed. "Nu-uh. She was the one who threatened me with the spork."

"You were the one who attacked me with that syraphom abomination."I retorted.

"It was a pool noodle!"

I stuck my tongue out at him.

This argument obiously wasn't making any sense to the others because Noa raised his hands and we stopped. "I don't know what happened, but why are you wet?"

Chris looked at me acuusingly and said "Myra pushed me in a pool."

I was about to yell back at him but Noa stopped me. "Okay, so why is Myra wet then?"

"Chris tricked me and he pulled me in." I glared at him.

Noa looked back and forth between us and finally announced that since we were the last here, we were in charge of making dinner. I grumbled but I didn't argue. If there was one person in this world that could boss me around, it was Noa.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15, 2020 ⏰

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