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You woke up to the sound of your alarm blaring harshly. You groaned in annoyance as you leaned over to push the little red button on top, and it stopped making noise instantly. You weren't really a morning person, especially on weekends. You sat up rubbing your eyes, realizing it's already 10:36 in the morning, and looked over at the window above your bed. You could see a big tree across from your window, where a nest filled with what looked like a family of birds was chirping. You decided to open the window to let the fresh morning air in.
You sat in bed for a bit until you suddenly smelled some sort of food.
"Y/n!!! Breakfast's ready!!" You heard your mom yell from downstairs. "I'll come down in a bit!!" You said loudly, as your bedroom door was closed. You got up from your bed lazily and walked towards your bathroom. You quickly brushed your teeth, then combed your h/c hair. It took you a couple minutes to choose what you wanted to wear today, until you decided on clothes you don't regularly wear. Putting (outfit) on, you quickly glanced at your big floor mirror before running downstairs to the kitchen. "Good morning y/n" You saw your mom sitting in a chair, eating (food) and reading a newspaper of some sort. "Good morning mom" You said cheerfully, taking some (food) and sitting down right next to her. You had a small conversation with her as you ate your food.

This is the day we're moving. This is it. We've lived in this house for years.

...what if the kids at my school won't like me...? Am I gonna live in a nice neighborhood...?
Will I have friends?

"Y/n? Y/n!!" Your mom burst your train of thought. "Hm? What? Sorry mom, I was just thinking. What were you saying...?" You asked, taking a bite of your food, now anxious from all the negative thoughts. "I said, did you pack everything? We're leaving in a couple of hours"
"Oh, right. Almost. I'll go pack what's left!" You quickly stuffed the rest of your breakfast into your mouth and ran up the stairs to your room again. You packed up the rest of your stuff into boxes, and you still had about an hour before you left, so you put in your earbuds and played (music).
As you were humming to the music, someone knocked on your bedroom door. "Yes?" You answered as your mom came in. "We're leaving now"

(Time skip)

ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ

You were looking out of the window as your mom was driving to you new home.

Your dad lived in Elmore, - which is where your new house would be - so you and your mom always lived together without him. You were also an only child, but you were completely fine with that.
So basically, you and your mom were going to live in Elmore with your father again like you used to.

As you were looking out the window, you saw a fast food restaurant called "Joyful Burger".
"Mom, can we go there? I'm pretty hungry" you asked, but instead of responding, she just drove to the drive thru. I'm guessing that's a yes..?

Your mom got chicken nuggets, and you got a regular burger and soda. A couple minutes later you arrived at a neighborhood with a blue house, along with a green one and a purple one.
"Here we are" your mom said excitedly.
As you were getting out of the car, you saw a familiar-looking man walk out of the purple house. "DAD!!!" you shouted, running towards him.
He engulfed you in a hug, as your mom was walking towards you guys.
"Y/n! Long time no see!" Your dad said, chuckling.

                      (Time skip)

You went outside, as you were bored, and you and your mom already unpacked some things.
Suddenly, you heard a bunch of noise.
You saw a blue cat throwing a football at an orange fish with legs. Questionable.
Suddenly, you saw the ball hurdling at you, and a sharp pain stabbed at your head.

Hi guys! That was chapter 1!! :D
I'm not good at writing, and I'm slowly started to learn by reading other books by other authors! :P
One of the people that's kinda inspiring me to write like this is xXLiquidNitrogenXx
(She gave me permission to write in her style-ish)
So yeah have a nice day!!! :l

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 21, 2020 ⏰

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