Somewhere in Dumbville

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One day Numpty, Mishap, Ninny and Dunce were at Dippy's house, Mishap was hungry and he went to the kitchen to eat some cookies.

Mishap: Oh boi so delicious cookies, I wish I could always eat them cuz...

(He didn't finish his phrase cause he heard  their friends were shouting and he got scared)

Mishap: (gasps) Oh no, what happened? (Goes to the room where they're friends are) Guys? U ok?

Numpty: We're not (scared) 😰

Mishap: What? Numpty, what happen? 😱

Dunce: D- Di... Di... Dippy 😨

Mishap: WHAT? 😣

Ninny: He hit his head and he started to act really weird.

(Dippy starts to walk like a drunk and act really weird)

Mishap: Dang it, guys this is bad.

Ninny: I know

Numpty: D- Dippy?

Dippy: Numpty, did u know I'm going to kill ya?

Numpty: WHAT? Naaaah.... Please don't do it 😫

Dunce: (gasps) He wants to kill Numpty.

Mishap: Hmmm.... Lemme check out on internet about this and which's the solution, ok?

Dunce and Ninny: Okey

Mishap: alright so, tell me how did this just happen?

Dunce: Well, we were playing pillow fight and then he fell down and he hit his head with that door

Mishap: Hmm ok...

(Mishap takes a laptop and he enters to internet, reads about the problem with Dippy's head control and he gets it)

Mishap: Ok guys so, internet says that the only solution is tickling until he gets back to be normal.

Dunce and Ninny: Tickling?

Mishap: Yup, that's what I said.

Numpty: GUYS HELP ME! I don't wanna die 😫

Dunce: okay I'm distracting Dippy.

Ninny: Dunce, be... Be careful 😣

Dunce: Run Numpty, I'm distracting him.

Numpty: Thanks Dunce ( escapes from Dippy)

Dippy: Get ready to die Dunce 😈

Dunce: Please don't hurt me 😣

Ninny: Mishap, please hurry up 😰

Mishap: Don't worry, I've got this.

(Then Ninny finds a feather in the floor)

Ninny: hey Mishap look.

Mishap: (gasps) Perfect, thanks Ninny ;) That's what I need.

Ninny: Ok, are u gonna tickle him?

Mishap: Yep I will.

(Meanwhile Dunce's still scared)


Dippy: Hehehehe 😈

(Mishap takes the feather and tickles Dippy's ribs)

Dippy: Haha hehey, th-that tickles haha.

(Mishap still keeps tickling him)

Mishap: Tic tic tic tic tic tickleee

Dippy: Noho, wahahit! Ahaha, stop it I'm ticklish.

Mishap: I know (tickles him even more)

Dippy: Nohoho (gasps) Hehehehe, hahahahaha 😄

Numpty: Guys, look, Mishap's tickling Dippy.

Ninny: hehe, aww he's laughing.

Dunce: This' too good (records with his phone)

Dippy: Mihishap please sthahahap (gasp) Aha I thihink Aha I'm dyhing

Numpty (thinks): Hmm... He says he's "dying" well... 😜😏

(Numpty grabs Dippy's foot and starts to tickle him)


Numpty (thinks): Ok I think that's enough, I'll let Mishap keeps tickling him. (Stops)

(Mishap's still tickling Dippy's tummy and the poor Dippy can just laugh and laugh)

Dippy: Hahahahahahaha Hahahahahahaha Hahahahahahaha Naaaah pleheheheahahahasee ahaha

(Mishap still tickling him)

Mishap: Hehehe, cute uwu

Dippy: Haha aha... alright alright hahahahahahaha (gasp) stahahahap.

Mishap: (still tickling him) Sorry Dip, but I still can't trust u.

Dippy: HAHAHAHAHA I SAID STOP 😠 (Slaps him)

Mishap: Owch! Dang it Dippy, that hurt me 😡 (slaps him back)

Dippy: Ouch! You idiot 😤 (slaps him again)

Mishap: AAGH!! DIPPY 😡

Ninny: Guys no, stop slapping each other. Dippy, Mishap was tickling you cuz u started to act weird and that was the only solution to help u. Don't hurt him like that.

Dippy: I don't care what he did, he was tickling me when I said stop, I was literally dying 😠

Mishap: Ya but I just had to 😒

Numpty: Hahaha, Dippy admit it man, it was funny when Mishap was tickling you with that feather and u were laughing at it.

Dippy: No it wasn't 😠

Ninny: But Dippy-

Dippy: You guys must leave me alone 😡

Mishap: Seriously? 😒 Ugh!! Well I'm leaving now, bye (leaves)

Mishap tickles Dippy (DWTD tickling story)Where stories live. Discover now