Universities x Filthy_Kermo

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It was an ordinary day at the RM facility. A pair of friends, Kermo and Universities, was chatting in the lounge when suddenly an alarm goes off. Both quickly spring up from where they were sitting and looked at each other with a concerning glance. "A breach? At this time?"Universities says as they quietly walk towards the door. "Wait. Don't move." Kermo warns. Both remain still in silence as they hear the loud footsteps of task force running past the door towards the disturbance. Universities opens their mouth to speak but is halted by an ear piercing screech in the hallway. Universities tip toes back towards Kermo as they brace for what being they are about to encounter. More screams echo the hallway as the scrapping of a knife is heard against the concrete wall. Suddenly the scrapping stops and a shadow looms outside the door. The door handle slowly turns as the door creeks open to reveal a tall hooded man with a long nosed mask. "Ulifer..." Universities whispers under his breath as he takes a step back. "Good afternoon my dear friends." Ulifer says as he runs his gloved finger across his blade. "What could you possibly want?" Kermo says with disgust. "Oh I was just looking to play a game with you two." Ulifer says as he looks at the pair. "What kind of game?" Universities hesitantly asked. "A quick game truth or dare." Ulifer says sternly. "No. No way I'm playing that with you." Kermo furiously said. "Oh but you have no choice." Ulifer says as he steps into the room and quickly closes the door behind him, locking it. "Now my dear friends, sit down this won't take long." Ulifer says while sitting comfortably in a seat across from an empty couch. The pair of friends slowly make their way over to the couch across from Ulifer and take a seat. "What now?" Kermo asks while crossing his arms. "Universities, truth or dare?" Ulifer asked while staring directly at him. "Truth. I'm not doing any stupid dare from you." Universities responds. Ulifer cocks his head and bluntly asks, "Do you like Kermo?". Universities' face turns slightly red as he stands up and says "HELL NO!" Ulifer takes his knife and points it at Universities and warns "Sit or you'll regret having legs." Universities complies and sits back down on the couch, crossing his arms. Ulifer turns to Kermo, "Truth or dare?" he slyly asks. "Dare. I'm no coward." Kermo proudly says as he sits up. "I dare you to kiss Universities". Ulifer strictly says. Kermo's eyes widen as he blushes and yells, "NO WAY I'M DOING THAT!" "Yes you will. Or else." Ulifer says as he points his blade towards Kermo. "Yeah I'd like to see you do anything to me you smuck." Kermo boasts. Suddenly, Kermo is on the floor beneath Ulifers feet as Ulifer bends down and traces his blade on Kermo's cheek. "You were saying?" Ulifer taunts. Universities peers down at his friend, feeling helpless. Kermo, out of breath, makes out the words: "Fine you win." Ulifer releases Kermo from his position on the floor and pushes him in the direction of his special friend. For a moment the pair exchange words, "I'm so sorry for this." The two share a quick kiss and quickly pull back, both red as a tomato. Their eyes quickly move to Ulifer who holds a camera who seems very pleased. The pairs eyes widen as they realize what just happened.

*Time Skip*

"I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU ACTUALLY FELL FOR IT" Kazdam blurts out while rolling with laughter. Kermo and Universities sit together in Kazdam's office as he laughs at the picture of the pair kissing. Both friends have their arms crossed with a look of un-amusement. "Why do you have to be such a d*ck?" Kermo says. "OH LIGHTEN UP IT WAS JUST A LITTLE JOKE!" Kazdam sneers. "We'll get you back for this." Universities adds. "LIKE HELL YOU WILL! NOTHING CAN TOP THIS!" Kazdam continues as he laughs.

The following week at the facility was full of remarks towards the friends fateful kiss which no one could seem to stop laughing at.

"I really hate this job" Kermo says.
"Me too" Universities replies.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16, 2020 ⏰

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