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My first day here at Grey Sloan Memorial.

It all seems so surreal, the dark blue scrubs, the hospital, the wards, the patients, the doctors.

"Oh sorry" i say mindlessly as i bump into someone but as i look up i'm staring into the most gorgeous blue-ish grey eyes i've ever seen "no worries" replies the man, he's tall, but kind with a beautiful smile, a kind voice and caramel skin so soft and gorgeous "um, while you're here, you seem like you know a bit about the hospital, where's the plastics floor?" I ask

"are you my new Plastics Attending?" Asks the man, i frown "sorry?" i ask, he smiles "Hi, Dr Jackson Avery, head of plastics...and you are?" asks Jackson, introducing himself, i smile "Hi, Jackson, I'm Dr Ivy Fletcher, the new Plastics Attending" I reply.

"well i'm headed to plastics anyway so you can just tag along with me" says Jackson, i nod and follow "Hold on, Jackson Avery, are you by any chance related to Harper Avery, as in The Harper Avery?" I ask excitedly, Jackson chuckles and nods "Indeed I am, he's my grandfather" replies Jackson "that's awesome and I heard Meredith Grey has won it like three times and she works here" I say all too excitedly "she does indeed work here, she's a friend of mine" replies Jackson

"does that also mean your mother is Catherine Fox, founder of the Fox Foundation?" i ask, god he must think i'm a dork "that's correct" replies Jackson nonchalantly, though clearly bemused by my geekiness "i'm sorry you must think i'm such a nerd, i am it's just this is all really exciting i've dreamed of working here for like forever, i was devastated when i didn't get to do my internship or my residency here" i state, waffling on

"you're allowed to be a nerd, everyone here is a nerd, you'll fit right in" says Jackson warmly, i smile sheepishly "well this is the plastics floor, i'm sure you'll feel right at home and i'll have a few surprises for you during the week" says Jackson

"thank you" i say genuinely, he nods in acknowledgement and walks off, i stand, watching his retreating figure and turning to bump into someone else

"oh i'm so sorry!" i exclaim as i help the person pick up the files i caused them to drop, i look up and see a bemused face, one very famous bemused face. I think i might just curl up in a ball and die. I just bumped into Meredith Grey, The Meredith Grey "no need to worry, just a few files though i'll tell ya, if that had've been my coffee this would've been completely different" jokes Meredith and I laugh

"Hi, I'm Meredith" says Meredith Grey holding out a hand which i take and shake gratefully "Hi, I'm Ivy Fletcher, a massive fan of your work and I'm gonna admit i'm really fangirling on the inside" i reply, ny cheeks reddening from embarrassment, Meredith chuckles "well I must say you've been more tame than a lot of fans of my work that have approached me, nice to meet you Ivy" says Meredith, i smile at her "nice to meet you too" I reply

but before our conversation can continue we're interrupted by a woman, blond hair ties back into a bun but a happy expression on her face "Hey, Mer, what're you doing up here in plastics? I've just dropped Cruz and Faith at school, Owen came in an hour before me" says the woman in a thick Australian accent that I love, handing  Meredith a cup of what i presume is coffee

"Hey, Hols, sorry I was looking for Jackson and then I bumped into Ivy and she's new so I introduced myself" replied Meredith, the woman turns to me and smiles "Hi, Holland Hunt, nice to meet you" says Holland, holding out a hand for me to shake which i do "Hi, Ivy Fletcher, nice to meet you too" i reply

"well, Holland and I best be off, we have a patient to attend to" says Meredith, i smile and nod and watch them walk away.

What an oddly friendly place.

At lunch I grab a salad and sit at one of the tables in the cafeteria alone and I think I should go check up on my son in the daycare until I'm joined by no other than Jackson Avery.

"Hey" says Jackson "mind if i join you?" asks Jackson, i shake my head "not at all" i reply "how're you finding your first day?" asks Jackson, i smile "it's alright thanks" i reply "good, i'm sure you'll find loads of friends here, everyone always does, where'd toy transfer from?" asks Jackson "Virginia Mason" I reply

"how come you came here instead?" asks Jackson, i shrug "i've always wanted to work here, Virginia doesn't pay too well which wasn't great for me because i needed to be able to afford necessities for my son and i" i reply, he raises his eyebrows "you have a son?" asks Jackson, i nod "a little 3 year old boy" i reply proudly, my sons father might be a dickhead but my son is my pride and joy "what's his name?" asks Jackson, i smile "Finlay" I reply

"that's a lovely name" says Jackson, i smile "do you have children?" i ask, he smiles and nods "i have a little daughter who's four, her name is Harriet and she's just adorable, my ex wife looks after her most days of the week and i get her for the rest of the week and the weekend" replies Jackson "is your son in the daycare or is he with your husband?" asks Jackson

"He's in the daycare, I don't have a husband, Fin's father isn't the man I thought he was so he only gets limited time with Finlay" i reply, Jackson grimaces "I'm sorry" says Jackson, i wave him off "don't be, Finlay and I are perfectly happy the way things are" i say smiling

Jackson and I spend the rest of lunch immersed in conversation either about our kids, parenting or just general things.


Hello there my lovelies!

I'm back again with more Grey's Anatomy and this time we gots Jackson! Ik i'm doing the Wolfstar fanfic but I couldn't resist posting this one bc y'all love my greys fanfics

anyways, i love you all thank you for all your love and support

have a beautiful day you wonderful specimens :))

stay safe
stay strong
stay wonderful
stay smiling

moat importantly, stay rainbow mi amors

all my love, Blue xxx

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