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Something old, something new, something borrowed, and something blue.
She's wearing all that, all right. But you'd have to be mad to imagine its going to bring her any luck.
Well, maybe it will bring her luck. But not him, certainly. My mother doesn't like to share.
She looks breathtaking, as always, in a beautiful white dress of silk and lace, glowing against her skin. In her eyes is what someone, if they didn't know better, might describe as hope, as love.
But I do know better.
My mother can act, that's for sure. She can fool most people. Maybe even me.
She's like a siren, bewitching people with her voice and her beauty. By the time they realise what she is, that they're crashing down onto the rocks, its too late.
They're being devoured.
Not that my mother devours people. At least, not literally.
But I shouldn't be so harsh. My mother is ruthless. But it isn't as if I'm any different.
We're like sirens, my mother and I. My brother, too.
We don't lure people into our depths just for the pleasure of seeing them die.
We want something in return.
For my mother, it is usually money. Every man she's killed - they're always  rich - has left everything to her. So we get richer.
From the start, she's carefully trained us. See, don't speak. Look, don't touch. A smile is your friend - and their worst enemy. It puts their guard down, you see.
And always, always, play stupid. Let them underestimate you.
It will be their peril.
I know all this, and I use it, too.
I don't murder, of course. But really, I'm no different from her. I'm always looking for something.
Sometimes, it's a hand with difficult homework. A invitation to a party. A favour. I do favours for them, too, of course, little ones. Then they owe you.
People are so easy to manipulate.
Most people.
I follow my mother down the aisle, in my cream and gold bridemaid's dress. It's silk. The last wedding was in winter, and I wore blue velvet. The weddings are always different.
And yet always the same.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 04, 2021 ⏰

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