Good Fit

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You had grown up on the east coast but recently relocated to Los Angeles for a publishing job. Fortunately, every few weeks or so, you would find yourself back in your old stomping grounds to meet with the executives of the New York offices. Whenever you touched down in New York, you would make it a point to catch up with Pete. You had known Pete for a while; you two met when you were working as a publishing assistant for Vogue. You two remained close friends, even after you left for LA. The weekend you happened to be in town was the same night as the premiere party he was hosting for his new movie, Big Time Adolescence. Your meeting had ended early on that Thursday afternoon and you met Pete for dinner. You checked out of your hotel and decided to stay with Pete for the rest of the weekend. You were looking forward to seeing him, but you knew that this party was his perfect opportunity to try and set you up with one of his friends, again. You appreciated his efforts but despite the fact he was one of your closest friends, he had the worst grasp on the type of guy you usually go for. It wasn't long into after-dinner cocktails that he floated the idea of a setup, "If you come to the party, I have the perfect guy to set you up with." You rolled your eyes, "When are you gonna stop trying to set me up with your friends, Pete? It's never a good fit." He laughed as the waiter dropped off another round of drinks, "This one will be a good fit." You just shook your head in disbelief, "I find that hard to believe."

The party wasn't until Saturday and that gave you an extra day to lounge around Pete's place. It was a day of relaxation that you were looking forward to. You spent the morning sleeping in and most of your day reading some potential pieces for publication. Even though it was technically working, it relaxed you to read some new authors. Pete had been out all day finishing a press junket before the release of the film. You liked how quiet his place was and even took advantage of the steam shower he rarely let you use. You ordered some takeout and ended up falling asleep on the couch while watching some Netflix. It wasn't until the late hours of the night that Pete stumbled through the door, startling you. He half-whispered, half-yelled, "Shit, didn't mean to wake you. I gotta get my beauty rest for tomorrow." He managed to make it to his room and you locked the front door behind him, "See you in the morning, Sleeping Beauty."

The next morning you were woken up by the sun coming in from the blinds that you had forgotten to close the night before. You liked being woken up by the sun, but you were hoping to get a little bit of extra sleep before your long night. You weren't quite used to going to parties and staying out late, you were more used to book readings and wine while networking. You made your way to the kitchen and started a pot of coffee, you always needed a cup in the morning and you knew Pete would probably need one after the night he had. You heard his door creak a bit as he rounded the corner to the kitchen. You handed him his cup of coffee, "You don't look as bad as I thought you were going to this morning." He groaned and rubbed his temple, "I'm getting too old to party like that." You laughed a little as your toast popped out of the toaster, "Does that mean I don't have to stay out until four in the morning with you tonight?" He began to head back to his room, "Not a chance, the car will be here at 9:30."

It wasn't long before 9:30 rolled around and you were struggling to figure out which pair of shoes to wear with your slightly too short black dress. You settled with a pair of black red-bottoms, you couldn't help but throw on an all-black outfit every time you had a doubt about what to wear. The little black dress was extremely out of your comfort zone, but you had to admit that you looked good and felt confident in it. You and Pete found your way into the black town car and were off to the party. The party wasn't very far from Pete's place and you were a bit nervous to walk in. Sometimes Pete's crowd was a little intimidating, you had such a mundane life compared to theirs and you were often worried that you couldn't keep up. Pete could sense your hesitation as he waited for you to get out of the car. He offered his hand, "Come on, it'll be fine." You took his hand and he helped you up, "Just don't leave me completely alone to fend for myself." He winked, "Oh you won't be alone, I have a friend for you remember?" You groaned and waited for Pete to finish his red carpet appearance.

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