Magic Ballerina ( Part 2 ) - Delphie and the Magic Ballet Shoes

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"I'm sorry sweetheart," Mrs Durand, Delphie's mum, had sighned. "We just can't afford to send you there." Standing by the railings now, Delphie could now hear the faint sounds of a piano tinkling and, through the branches, she could see light from the big windows falling into the front garden. Shivering her as she looked over the railings.

The music and lights seemed to be calling her nearer. Slipping through the gate, she crept over to the house, peering in through the window. The room inside was large with mirrors on each of the four walls. Eight girls, all about the same age, were holding lightly to the "barre", a wooden pole that was fixed around the wall of the room. They were all dressed in pink leotards with a ribbon round their waists, pale socks and satin ballet shoes with ribbons crossed neatly round their ankles.

They were gracefully bending and straightening their knees out over their toes.

"Pliés," Delphie sighed longingly, recognising them from one of her books. Oh, if only she could be in there with them.

Madam Za-Za was walking around the room, talking to the girls and correcting a leg position here, an arm position there. She held her own body erect and her grey-streaked brown hair was pulled back in a bun. As Delphie watched, the girls began a different exercise, pointing their toes and sliding their legs to the back, front and side. "Batterments tendu," thought Delphie. All the other girls looked good but there was one dark-haired girl who looked very graceful and seemed to find everything very easy.

Next the girls began sliding the foot that was furthest from the "barre" and lifting it off the floor, stretching out as far as they could and holding their free arm out to the side. 

Delphie couldn't resist. She began to join in. Holding on to the windowsill, she performed the movement in time with the girls inside.

Sweeping her arm and leg to the side, she held them perfect position, her toe pointed and heel raised from the ground. They moved quickly into practising quick, light movements.

( Will Delphie finally be able to join the ballet class? - wait until i post the next part of the story. Until then, BYE )

From Januli ( I am the other owner of this account ) :D

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17, 2020 ⏰

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