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Its already 11.30 am here in India. He has his live broadcasting at 1.00 pm KST and I am at the Mumbai Airport. I have to go guwahati airport from here and It will take approximately 3 hour that means as soon as I am going to land at the airport I have to watch his broadcasting. But sudden announcement of flight late started to give me headache because that means at the time of broad casting I am going to be in flight. What to do? I already promised him that I will watch him live and most importantly I want to know what the surprise he talked about. I have to catch it somehow...what to do?

Hi,I am Birinchi a 26 year old boy from INDIA,ASSAM,JORHAT.Thats my address. For last one month I am at SOUTH KOREA. This was actually one of my plan for my regular two year holiday plan. As a profession I am An Actor and model at India right now. From my early 20s I like SOUTH KOREA as my travel destination. Actually I think there was one more thing which one attracts me towards South Korea. Want to know it then read on..ha ha ha

For 28 days in South Korea I had many tourist places like JEJU DO, and tried to auditioned specifically at different agencies, these are specially for experience. But there are something I had done regularly for almost 20 days of my trip but problem is that everything we plan is not going to be successful because there are hills on the road which make you fall on the road and you might never get up. But you do not need to lost your hope because this life runs in a unique way...but can this unique way make my wish come true.?


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HAN SUK KYU (HSK)a name that probably every Korean know. But I think he has many fans in the outside of Korea too. I am also one of them. he is an actor with charms like face, talent body and sweet singing voice and a unique voice. Especially his voice is like diamond. He has a voice many women's are crazy about. Well, not only girls but also boys because I love his voice too. He had done different movies and drams but for me his favourite character was HSK that means himself. I do not like to relate him with his on screen characters. I like him because he was him. That responsible walk, talkative eyes, sweet smile made me fall for him every day. Its almost 8 years I stan for him. Although I do not meet him by looking at him on screen or photos of him I can say what he was thingking at that moment.I can feel what's going in his mind. But every time I look into his eyes they are like they want to tell something which was never expressed to anyone, those eyes always make me think what actually they want to say?

These days he was busy on a new project with SBS ENTERTAINMENT according to rumours. That was a project I heard bigger than any of his previous works with large amount of money and with highest running time of all over. As a fan of HSK I am too much exited to see him on screen, enjoying his work as always. Who is not going to be excited if their favourite was on the screen!

 Who is not going to be excited if their favourite was on the screen!

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