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it all started when his department decided to throw huge a last-minute year-end feast.

december 22nd. the day was vividly carved into san's memory. she was there, sitting with her friends a few tables away. her nose scrunched up as she sniffed her food before putting it in her mouth. and almost immediately, a smile adorned her face. the food was delightful to her tastebuds, san could tell.

it was as if she felt a pair of eyes staring at her and glanced right up at him. san was about to look away but then something incredible happened. normally, people don't do what she did- or at least that's what he thought. she looked up, locked eyes with him and simply, smiled.

there was just something about her smile that intrigued san and he found himself smiling at her as well, unconsciously.

true to san's suspicions, the girl was not from his department and that's exactly why she seemed unfamiliar. she soon left and san felt his heart drop at the sight. a sigh escaped from his lips as he toyed with the fork in his hand, thinking he was never going to see her again.

but fate had its own ways of bringing two people together.

december 26th. the rooftop, which was mostly off-limits to the students of the university, was a place closer than home to san as he could dance his heart out without anyone's judging eyes. he would come up every time he felt a need to escape from the overwhelming reality, or to just simply watch the sunset after a long day.

the sharpness of the crisp cold wind didn't seem to faze her as she continued to sip on some chocolate milk all alone. staring, mesmerized by him as he danced. he hadn't noticed her at first but when san did, the first thing she said to him was,

"i remember you and i'm pretty sure you remember me too. but trust me, i'm not a stalker. i just happened to hear some music and decided to check it out and found you."

there it was again. that smile. it wasn't anything too special, to most people that is. but to san, it had an entirely different meaning.

the sun was beginning to set and both of them had agreed to stay and watch it in each other's company. their surrounding was still and silent as the sun shot flares of reds and oranges and pinks across the infinite horizon, filling up the atmosphere with warmth. faint sound of cars and vehicles could be heard in the distance.

the sun rays fell on her face and it was then when san had first gotten a proper glimpse of the girl's features. her dark brown eyes somehow beautifully complimented the black hair which cascaded down her back, all perfectly blending together in a soft melodic harmony. in san's eyes, she was more than just beautiful.

december • choi sanWhere stories live. Discover now