Chapter 1: Before I came to LA

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Hi, I am Clarysse but people call me Rysse for short. I have medium length blonde hair and I live to sing hoping one day to be noticed. I ran away and here is the story to why I did such a thing.

1 year before I ran from home:

I'm tired, working at an age of 21 where people don't treat me with respect. I got a job about a week before I quit my other job as a waitress at a pub. I now work at a bar when mainly rich jerks hangout and maybe once or twice I run into someone nice that I can carry on a potential "Nice to meet you" or "see you again" kind of conversation. 

This Job is nothing at all as what I have had planned for my future. I want to go off and get a career in singing and meet a nice guy that I could share the rest of my life with, but no here I am working through endless day's with no respect around drunk jerks that have so much money shoved in their ass that they ran out of places to put it. 

Everyday after my job I would go home and yet again get no respect. I work my ass off to support my dad and I, but I just get treated with no respect or no thank you's for doing such a thing. One day I have a plan to runaway from this city I like to call hell and maybe go to LA and strive to get the career I want and I will enjoy. I will tell my dad to get a job and get sobered up. 

My dad has not always been this way but ever since my Mom left when I was little he turned to alcohol and the alcohol changed him.

I'm tired of always being the girl who is pushed around, That everyone treats different in this city because I don't have a lot of money or a mom, That no matter what I do for society I am always the bad person because I am different. Because I am who I am.

6 months before I run away:

My shift is almost over at the endless job I work at, but except going straight home this time I have some planning to do. Some planning to help me get out of this gruesome city. I loathe this city and no way in hell is anyone going to keep me from stay in this rich town of Michigan. 

Sure it might be a long way to LA but I'm planning on taking my college funds my mom gave before she left and taking all the money I have saved up from my jobs.

I told my dad not that long ago that maybe he should get off his ass and stop getting drunk because that's not going to help him get a job. Even though he didn't like what I had to say he actually sobered up as much as possible and started to support for himself putting my plan right where it needs to be. 

Now that my dad is back on his feet, I can runaway without worrying about my dad going homeless.

When I get to the library no one is there, which to me is perfect because then I don't have to worry about people looking at what I am in the process of doing. I sit down at one of the computers after I check in. Usually their is this friendly lady that works there but today it was some lady that didn't say a single word. 

After I finish at the library I head home to go to sleep and know that my plan is perfect and nothing could stand in my way. My plan was to get enough money saved up to get to LA by flight and get an apartment which will not be too complicated because I have over $600,000 saved and more to come. That's the only benefit to actually working in bar full of rich people that you also get large tips even if they are mean. Plus I still have a lot of money from working at the pub and part of it was my college fund.

1 day before I leave:

The time finally came, finally about to be free from hell, finally about to be able to chase my dreams. I quit my job yesterday know that I am ready to go. I went to the bank yesterday and took all my money out. Now it's time to write my dad a long note to as why I will have left. The day was almost over and my note was finally done.

Dear Dad,

        Sorry to have left you by just this note but I need to go to LA and chase my dreams. I know it's probably nothing you want to hear so I will make this short. I love you Dad and I only am leaving you because you have a job and you are back on your feet properly! Thank you for letting me stay after the age 18 but i know it's probably because you were having troubles. I will contact you when I get to LA after get my new phone, I promise you. Just promise me that you will take care of yourself and you can come see me for the holiday's, I will even fly you out to see me! I love you and will miss you, just stay healthy.

Love you,

        Rysse x

I know it wasn't a long letter but at least it was something.

The day I run away:

I take all my suitcases and put them into the taxi I called early yesterday morning to come and take me to the airport. I then go back inside and put the note on the table but anchor it with the little unlit candle on the table.

After I do so, I tell the man in the cab where I need to go and which part of the Detroit airport I need to be at. The ride was only 30 minutes which wasn't too bad. I fell asleep for 20 minutes but when we were almost there I was excited. This was everything I have ever wanted and I am going to make it happen no matter how may no's I get. That one yes will change my life and hopefully in a positive way. 

Once we finally arrive at the air port I take my stuff and pay the man the price of how much the ride was. After that was done I then head into the airport and give the ladies my bags and head to security. After I was finally past security I head to my gate. I only waited for a good 10 minutes till they started boarding us.

The flight was not as bad as I expected it to be, being that I spent most the flight sleeping, but once the flight was over I was so relieved. I got off the plane grab my bags and get my rental til I actually had time to get my own car.

I drove around the city a little bit to get a look around but then I come across these apartments That for rent its only $200 a month. I then pulled over and headed inside the building which looked brand new.  I asked to see an apartment and I followed the Realtor to an apartment. Once he opens the doors I am in awe at how beautiful it is. I told him right then an there "I will take it" he said okay and took me to his office to fill in papers. It was possibly the most beautiful apartment ever I just wish I had a friend to share it with.


Hey my readers!! The last part of this chapter is currently happening because Rysse is finally in LA!! Hope you enjoy my little noodles :)x

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