Being the Detective

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I became a detective to help bring justice to families who had a loved one murdered or that had any crime done against them. I understand what it's like to not have justice. My mother was stabbed to death at work one day and they still haven't found out who did it. Now being a detective, I've seen somethings that I have never wanted to see, such as a new born baby shot dead in her crib by her own uncle. Some cases can almost break you, but you have to make sure you don't break. My partner Rhodes Arlington and I work our butts off everyday trying to put cold blooded killers behind bars for good. I've lived Fuquay-Varina, North Carolina my entire life. I am a divorced single mother with 3 beautiful children. I've worked as a detective for about 10 years. Oh my goodness I totally forgot to introduce myself. I am 38-year-old Caroline Addison, but my colleges just call me Addison.
My day was the usual. I was sitting at my desk going over crime evidence with Rhodes. A young white woman was found dead in an alley way, strangled with her bra strap. The woman was only 24 and she was pregnant, it was quite a sad case. "So did we get any finger print matches off of anything?" I asked Rhodes. He shook his head. "All of the finger prints came back as the victim's. Guessing the perp wore gloves,". I nodded and looked back at the pictures of the victims body. "Forensics get anything else? Blood, saliva, anything?" I asked, becoming frustrated. This case was going no where. We had no leads or anything! "They found a cigarette butt by her bra. They are running the saliva that they found on it through a matching system," Rhodes responded. That's when another detective, Detective Ann Biggs ran in. "Addison and Arlington!" she yelled. I stood up from my chair quickly. "What is it Biggs?'' Rhodes asked. "We got a man shot to death, his girlfriend found him. Chief is assigning you guys to the case," she said. She gave us the information on how to get there and then went in her way. Rhodes and I gathered our things and ran for our car.
We arrived at a small apartment complex and went under the yellow police tap. An officer met us there. "Detectives! Follow me right this way," he said. We followed him into the apartment. I saw a man laying in a pool of his own blood and a young woman being held back by a few officers. The medical examiner was there. "Ah, Detective Addison and Arlington. I'm Dr. Bianca Simon," she said. She was a Hispanic woman who seemed to be in her early 30's. "What do we got?" I asked. Dr. Simon lead us over to the body. "We got 4 gunshot wounds to the abdomen and 1 to head. There are multiple scratches and bruises to the face, so it appears there was a struggle," she said. I looked at the body. "Any other marks?" Rhodes asked. Dr. Simon shook her head. "Nope. That's it. Do you guys need to examine more or can we take him down to the morgue?" she asked. I looked at Rhodes and he shook his head. "You can go ahead and take him down. We're going to question a few other people," Rhodes told her. She nodded. "Alright we to transport the body. I need a body bag in here!". We walked over to talk to the girlfriend. "Hello ma'am I'm Detective Addison and this is my partner Detective Arlington. Tell us what you saw," I said to the young woman. She just shook her head and started shaking. "Ma'am is everything alright?" Rhodes asked. She started crying. ''I didn't mean to," she whispered. Alarm bells start going off in my head. "What are you talking about?'' I asked. "I didn't mean to kill him! We were fighting and I fired the gun just to scare him, but then it hit his stomach," she sobbed. Rhodes and I looked at each other. "Darling, he was shot 5 times. What are you not telling us?" I asked. "After that he was just laying on the floor dying and it looked like he was in some much pain. So I shot him 3 more time in the stomach and when that didn't put him out of his misery, I shot him in the head," she answered. Rhodes pulled out his hand cuffs. "No no! Please no. I'm a good person please!" the woman begged. "You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney. If you can not afford an attorney, one will be provided for you. Do you understand the rights I have just read you? With that in mind, do you wish to speak to me?" Rhodes announced, while handcuffing the woman. She screamed and cried while they took her to the police car. As you see things can be weird at work.
At the end of the day I drove home and was greeted by my 5-year-old daughter, Cassie. She jumped on me and hugged me tight. "Mama!''she yelled. "Hey darlin'," I said, kissing her cheek. Then my 14-year-old daughter, Alisha ran out holding my new born son, Jayden. ''Hi Mama. How was work today?" Alisha asked. "Same as always baby girl," I responded, taking my shoes. Oh I love my kids.

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