Katsuki Bakugou x Reader- Raining Blood

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Raining blood cuz FUCKING SLAYER and PERIOD FLUFF ahead. You are going to be Todoroki's twin, I had a twin sister in mind, but I want it to be friendly for anyone who identifies as something else than she/her, despite having to bear the monthly pain destined for women exclusively. You have pretty much the same quirks as Shotou, but it won't really play any part in this one shot since it's more about fluff. I chose Katsuki simply because let's face it, he would definitely be the most mature dealing with this topic.  Anyways, enough ranting. Enjoy :)


After a long day of training the so called Baku- and Deku-squads were gathered outside, having a drink (No Vodka sir-) and chit-chatting about random things. Kirashima and Denki helped you drag your boyfriend along, despite his cranky mood. His old soul just wanted to sleep already and it was barely 6pm. He seemed to deal with Izuku's existance far better than before and you were extremely proud of him for it. One thing led to another and you were dared to sit on his lap. Even though it was embarrassing to do it in front of everyone and Katsuki wasn't a huge public display of affection fan, you were both happy with the outcome and high-fived Denki as a thank you behind Katsuki's back. You promised that you would help him out with Shinsou as soon as you got the opportunity. Todoroki shook his head and gave you a look to which you responded by blowing raspberries. 
"So childish..." Katsuki murmered and you pouted and shrugged, not caring much. Miydoria was blushing embarrassed as he was sitting right next to the two of you. As the game  progressed, you tried to get up to refill your cup only to be pulled back harshly by your blonde. You looked at him lost, asking for an explanation, only for him to lift you up, leaving you no choice, but to wrap your legs around his waiste. He grabbed his hoodie and used it as a shield for your back, dragging the sweater on the ground slightly. Izuku attempted to grab it in order to help out, only to be told off harshly.
"Mind your damn buisness, nerd!" he growled and took you away from the group. Kirishima watched like the fanboy he was, talking about how manly Bakugou was since he happened to steal a glance at what was actually going on. Shotou got up wanting to follow, but he got stopped by his greenette.
"If Kaachan did that, he had a reason for it. You know he would't hurt her/him/them." he reassured his own lover, even though for now they were only secretly dating. You were sorta the reason they ended up together. He sighed and sat back down. 

Meanwhile Bakugou carried you all the way to his dorm room. Only then did he finally set you down, no matter how much you struggled. You were more than sure that he had other intentions in mind, he was a lot more perverted than people may expect from his misanthropic ass. 
"Why did you do that?" you ask clueless and he quietly pointed at his pants. You didn't have to stare too long at his cargo pants to spot the red stain on one of his tights. You gasp and turn as red as a rose in full bloom, so very ashamed of the situation. You tried to check out your back, wondering why you hadn't felt it at all like usual. 
"I'm so sorry. I swear it wasn't on purpose, I'll buy you new pants..." you trailed off, talking really fast and blurting a bunch of apologies out. He silenced you with a kiss and pulled you close by your waist.
"I don't give a fuck. Blood is blood, it'll come out with some cold water." he stated stubbornly 
"I'm not some weak pussy, ya know?" he added and you punched him lightly. You never liked when he said it like that since it sounded sexist. You sigh and push him away.
"I'm gross right now, please don't touch me..." you mumble still ashamed of your situation, even though Katsuki's actions obviously made the situation a  little better. You were about to head out to your dorm, when it suddenly hit you. You were out of pad/tampons. You face-palm yourself and then turn to look at Bakugou with shameful and pleading, puppy eyes.
"I don't have stuff..." you mumble shly. He gives you a questioning look, but then understands.
"Can't you ask the other girls for some or make Ponytail girl make some?" he complained. You don't want that, because you're not close to any of the girls.
"Please, Suki. My life depends on this. I'm going to bleed out!" you try too trick him into it.
"Heck nah, I know how this shit works. Don't be dramatic." he stated, having none of it an yet he still gave in without too much begging.
"Just go take a shower, I'll be back before you're done." he promised and changed his pants while you undressed in his bathroom. On his way out he grabbed Eijirou by the collar of his shirt and dragged him along, of course followed by Denki. They successfully sneak out of the school and go to the near by store. 
"Alright, you idiot's mission is to gather up all the junk y/n loves, while I take care of something." he ordered and without explaining himself, did his weird, little walk towards the period products part of the store. He was blushing lightly and scared off some poor mom and daughter duo with one of his scary faces. He didn't know which one to get, so he got 3 diffrent kinds of them, for light, avarage and heavy flow. YES, he actually took the time to inspect all of them and read the instructions, before deciding. He even checked the ingrediends and chose the least toxic stuff even if they were more expensive, then proudly made his way to the other two, dumping the stuff in the basket, that was already quite filled with random sweets and snacks you enjoy.
He payed for everthing and got Kirashima and Kaminari an ice-cream each both to shut them up and as a subtle thank you. 
'This extra is going to be the death of my wallet...' he thought, as he even got special wipes and a new fluffy blanket to add to your collection. He returned with two filled bags. He grabbed the all of the special items, along with a black towel and a change of clothes and knocked at the door. He went inside and placed everything on the counter, leaving the towel hanging next to the shower. 
"That was fast!" you point out and he shrugs.
"I wanna join..." he complains and you blush bright red and quickly grab the shower curtain in case he tried anything funny.
"NO!" you yell
"I told you, I don't care about some blood..." he argued, this being his way of being clingy and playfully.
"But I do!"
He of course gave it a rest and left the bathroom, so you could be comfortable, being the most considerate and sweet asshole out there. You finished your shower, dried yourself up and changed into Katsuki's clothes, absolutely enjoying the boxers since they were so comfy. You couldn't believe he went out of his way to buy you so many diffrent pads and such. His treatment made you beyond happy, but at the same time you felt ashamed, since ever since you two started dating, you always tried to mask your periods quite well. You come out just as the cramps start to kick in. You hug your stomach and Katsuki gently pushes you on his bed, showing no sign of wanting you gone of his room. You tried to refuse, afraid that you may stain the sheets, but it's pointless. He tugs you in and shows you the other stuff he bought you shly, including painkillers. You're moved by his sweet actions and hug the blanket and the plushie you had given Katsuki as a present a while ago. He grabs another clean towel and slowly starts to dry your hair, so you wouldn't catch a cold. A small, content smile spreads on your lips as you sit there flustered and in pain. As the painkillers you took didn't seem to help you with the pain, you ask the blonde to get your heating pad. He sighed and grabbed your keys, taking orders from you and you only. When he opened the said drawer he blush lightly.
"No way!" he stated annoyed, picking the pink, fluffy heating pad up, not wanting to be caught dead with such a thing in his hands.

He eventually gave in and walked with it downstairs. Izuku finally caught on what was happening and offered his help, while Kirishima contiued to brag about how manly his best friend was. The blond threatened Deku to not say another word and went back upstairs. Todoroki shook his head, placing a hand on his shoulder for comfort. He just couldn't under what you saw in him and hated it whenever he made his greenette upset.

"Oi, here." Katsuki mumbles, but ends up lifting the blanket up and sneaking the thing on your belly himself, before getting into bed with you. He touches your forehead and notices that you're body temperature was rising. This was the only times he envied IcyHot... He didn't like seeing you struggle and in pain and hadn't know your periods were these bad and intense. He pulls you into his chest and plays with your hair, not caring about the slightly built up sweat on your forehead. You just whimper occasionally and thank him quietly. You hate being in this state, so vulnerable and weak, but you simply couldn't do anything about it and Katsuki's comfort was making this the easiest and least painful period, yet. He was quiet, showing how considerate he was of the state you were in and just contiued to offer his comfort and support. He went several times to reheat the pad even during the night despite his schedule to head to bed quite early. He truely was a keeper in the end and seemed to have been raised right by his mom even if she didn't use the most orthodox methods...
"I love you, Suki..." you whisper meakly, more asleep than awake, nuzzled into his neck.
"I love you, too, idiot." he whispers back, holding you safely and playing with your hair despite the fact that the fever left you drenched in sweat. He didn't care one bit, if anything found your innocence adorable and at some point helped you get changed into clean, dry clothes even though you basically didn't lift a finger to help and pretty much remained asleep.
"She/He/They're gonna be my downfall..." he comments, while finally slowly being able to fall asleep as well, his arm wrapped securely around your waist, so he could feel any discomfort and wake up immediately if you needed him...

The End.

Disclaimer: This perfect boyfriend called Katsuki Bakugou does not exist. Lower your standart lol.

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