Untitled Part 1

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We're drivin' slow through the snow on Fifth Avenue. And right now the radio's all that we can hear. And we ain't talked since we left. It's so overdue. It's cold outside, but between us, it's worse in here.

Mikalea and Sam had been quiet since they'd left his house. They had been fighting lately and it was starting to take a toll on their relationship. Mikalea wanted to get married, but Sam was hesitant. It had been a couple years since the whole thing in Egypt and Sam was still in college.

They were headed to a hotel tonight. It was suppose to be romantic and they'd been planning it for a while now. They'd planned an afternoon of snuggling in a warm bed and maybe something else even. It was Winter in Tranquility and, even though it was never cold enough for the snow to stick, it still snowed. It just melted minutes after it touched the warm earth.

Bee turned on his radio to some romantic station, hoping to ease the tension, but it didn't work. It usually didn't, here lately. He was beginning to worry about his charge's wellbeing. There always seemed to be something troubling him.

Everyday, seven takes of the same old scene. Seems we're bound by the laws of the same routine. Gotta talk to you now before we go to sleep. But will we sleep once I tell you what's hurting me?

Everyday it seemed like it was the same thing. They woke up and went about their day as normal, only now, there seemed to be a void in their lives. Neither of them could place exactly what it was, but they knew it couldn't be left alone. They had to talk. Once they got to their room, Mikalea planned on confronting her boyfriend about their issues. She just had to do it before they went to sleep tonight.

"Sam?" she began.

She only hoped they'd still be able to fall asleep together once she explained how she felt.

The world slows down, but my heart beats fast right now. I know this is the part where the end starts.

The look on Sam's face told her that he knew what was coming. She didn't want to have to talk about it. She wanted it to be okay, but it obviously wasn't going to be. Her heart thumped hard in her chest, and she had a feeling she knew what was about to happen between them.

I know you'll ask me to hold, to carry on like nothing's wrong. But there is no more time for lies, cause I see sunset in your eyes.

"Please, Mikalea. We can work this out." Sam begged. "I love you." he whispered desperately. She knew he loved her and didn't want her to leave, but at the same time, when she looked in his eyes, she could see that he needed to be let go. He wasn't ready for this kind of relationship. The passion had gone away, and she could tell that deep in his heart, he knew it was going to be over soon.

A tear spilled down his face, and she felt terrible. She managed to keep her composure, though inside she was dying. She loved him more than anything. She was in love with him. But she couldn't be with Sam if things were to continue going like this.

I can't take it any longer. I thought that we were stronger. All we do is linger, slipping through my fingers. I don't wanna try now. All that's left's goodbye, to find a way that I can tell you.

She wanted to agree with Sam, and just continue on like normal, but she could tell the love was dwindling. It wasn't dying by any means, but it wasn't as strong as it use to be. It wasn't as heated as before, and Mikalea couldn't believe that their relationship would falter in any way. She always thought it would be perfect. She had tried everything, but the only thing she and Sam ever did anymore was fight. And she hated it. It was killing her to argue repeatedly with the man she was in love with. So, she'd just give up. She would end it all, and spare them both more heartbreak.

I gotta do it. I gotta do it. I gotta do it.

She thought it was the right thing to do.

I hate this part right here. I hate this part right here. I just can't take your tears. I hate this part right here.

Sam began to cry. He usually never cried. As Mikalea stood up to exit the room, she looked back to Sam. He looked totally distraught. She felt the same way, and seeing him cry broke her heart in half.

Without another word, she walked out of the room. Out of the hotel. Out of his life for good. As she walked away, a single teardrop fell down her cheek.

"I love you, Sam." she muttered, as she walked down the street.

I hate this part right here.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 26, 2014 ⏰

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