what is the force

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The force,
It's not split in half
One half for dark
One half for light
It is balance
It's user chooses how they use it

It's not a super power to gain
It is to be sensitive to the world around you and the ability to feel the grand scheme of time and place flowing through your veins

Everyone can feel it
Everyone has it in them
It can bring them to people
It can make a bond so tight with someone that if they ever pass away part of you seems gone

It is all the senses,
It is the smell of salty sea water
The taste of spring morning air
yet it's touch is so cold and feels like
how moon light would

It does not show power in a person but peace and even if it's user is too corrupt to see it the ball of peace still lays still at heart

Thanks for reading also please remember that this is MY opinion and  not proven to be true

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19, 2020 ⏰

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