Adam Jones-My Hero Part 1

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Pew pew pew. I was at war. I had been fighting for my country for a few hours, it was exhausting.

Y/N GET DOWN! A very handsome voice called and saved my life! That's when i met him, the love of my life. After that we started talking. His name was Adam Jones, he told me he'd just escaped from his family band and decided to become a soldier. He said it was worse back there than fighting. They were holding him hostage and since he was the only good looking one they used him for money. Also he'd just split up from an awful relationship from a girl called Emily.

He was my sole mate, We fell in love instantly."y/n I love you so much". - our first kiss. We had to dodge a few bombs here and there but it was OK because Adam is a very fast runner. A few more hours past and we were doing OK, that was until the figure appeared.

Adam could see a figure coming towards us from the distance. I could see a smallish girl with huuuuuge eyes appear. Adam had a look of fear on his face. "It's Emily!"

"Well well well " said Emily. "Look who we have here" "what do you want" said Adam. "who is this with you?" I was terrified by her giant eyes staring into my sole. "oh this is just my friend, y/n." "I DON'T BELIEVE YOU!" "PIGEON ATTACK!"

A little girl came charging out of nowhere! "Naaaaaaaaaaaaaay" she yelled while while furiously charging towards him. Adam ran but he wasn't fast enough. He got cornered 

I knew what I had to do. I couldn't just leave him there to get bitten by pigeon. So i pulled out my gun and shot Emily.

Pew pew

All of a sudden pigeon stopped chasing Adam. "she made me do it". she said"That's OK pigeon, I understand" said Adam.

Then we drove away and lived happily ever after.

The End

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2020 ⏰

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