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I don't know how long I've been trapped in this pitch black room with only my thoughts to keep me company, it could be days, weeks, months or even years. I can't remember what the outside looks like anymore, only darkness. All I could remember was when this had happened:


This can't be happening! This isn't real! This isn't how it's supposed to be! It's not real!

"Let me out!" I screamed hitting my fist against the locked door, it didn't so much as shudder.

"Please!" Again nothing.

"Please!" Nothing.

"Don't leave me here!" Silence

"Don't leave me alone!" Pain.

I didn't stop until my hands were a numb, bloody mess that I couldn't move anymore. I stared in devastation, the white surface of the door was smeared red with my blood. I collapsed to the ground, bringing my knees to my chest hugging them. My head pounded with so many unanswered questions.

I was so confused, what had I done wrong? Why was I in this room and not with the other patients anymore?

'I'm going to be stuck in here forever' was my last though before I passed out from exhaustion.

The first couple of days were manageable, food came twice a day on a plastic tray. A pile of slob with no flavor and a cup of water also in a plastic cup. It came at the same time every day, it was the only way I was about to keep track of time.

The days started to blend in together, meal times began to mess with my head, was it breakfast or dinner?

The light in the room was always on making the white walls glow and made it difficult to sleep. Everything was the same.

I would randomly call out hoping against hope that someone would hear me, save me but it was all fruitless. No one came and no one heard.

I eventually stopped trying, it made me tired and there wasn't any use anymore.

It got to the point where the light was too much. I destroyed the only light source in the room with a plastic tray the nurses forgot to collect that day. The bulb shattered, coating the room in darkness.

No faint outlines, no gray tones, it was the darkness where you didn't know if your eyes were closed or open anymore. The darkness was so refreshing to begin with but then the real nightmare began.

Shadowy hands started to grab at me and my clothes. Disembodied fingers, cold as ice, ran over my body and through my hair. People began to appear, they all laughed, mocking me as I shivered in the darkness.

I couldn't even close my eyes and cover my ears because everything was in my head.

Nothing changed and soon I curled up in a ball and staying in that position for a long while before they arrived.

Boredom came, hand in hand with loneliness and madness. The let themselves in, they didn't need to ask permission.

Boredom curled itself around me like a cold heavy blanket. It weight my limbs down and drained me of the little energy I had left. I didn't feel like doing anything, I didn't even feeling like moving. There was nothing to do anyway.

Loneliness soon joined us, it came and sat beside me taking my hand in its cold lifeless fingers. It was almost like a friend but it did the opposite of what a friend would do. It reminded me of the emptiness of not only the room but in my heart. That I have no companions to keep me sane and happy. It settled itself inside the hole in my heart and made itself at home.

And finally madness, the slowest of the three made its way over to us.

At first, it would lurk in the shadows, prowling, shifting, and gliding in the shadows waiting for the right moment to strike. It would study me from a far, I could feel its stare. It sometimes drew near but quickly back away, almost of if it didn't like what it saw. After a time it came closer than it ever had before.

I lifted my head up through boredom's fog, perking up at the arrival of the third through the web of loneliness. Then welcomed madness with open arms, a bright smile and lifeless eyes. 

MadnessOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant