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This is the different characters, names and what they are /what this is.

This is a book for me to explain fictionally what is happening in my head when something occurs.

Some are happy and good.

Some aren't so much......  (U suck saunders and u know it)

All of the M.H.B. are non-binary, with differing pronouns between them.


If you have seen my art book u will know I enjoy drawing her. She was the first I actually drew.

Missy is my optimism, I guess. What I class as optimism is my "I can't die coz that's not right." / "It will get better one day, most of the time that's not today."

She has;

longish slightly wavy orange hair
Cupcake clip in hair
Short pleated overall dress
White shirt underneath (with hearts?)
Purple smiley face tattoo (another key part)
She has flats for shoes
A little bit curvy



Okay, ngl he was inspired by Virgil, but anyway----

He is an anxious boy that is very timid. He was the second for me to design, still having an inconsistent appearance but what is determined is below.

He has a general emo Aesthetic but, the nice emo.

Very large some shade of blue wings (key item)
Short black hair
Glasses every here and there - don't know why it's inconsistent-
Stripey undershirt
Plain black overshirt
Chains attached to the hip
Black skinny jeans
Black beanie
Short highheels



He is one of the most intriguing (to me) M.H.B. as I am not a very angry person, but I have lots of pent up

I do however have a problem with frustration, and not expressing it properly? I don't know how to make it sound like I'm nice still?


He is a college jock type of dude. Like he's a bro, but irratating once he has drinks with no chance of him paying.

He has/is:

Determined Squad (set group of M.H.B. that are similar)
Letterman jacket with an D on it (for determined), red and black with yellow details
Slightly bulky pants (not form fitting)
Dislike Ashtrix, more


D.I. /Dorky Intelligence:


Was named after knowing what dork means >:3

He is a loveable goofball that loves everyone and helps everyone with his stupidity to make everyone laugh.

He has/is;

This needs updating

Stupidly huggy
Cats tail
Cat ears (Key Icon)
Often floats around


From here on they get pretty un thought through(physically) and will be updated


Simon / Sad / Depression


Sad boy. If you couldn't tell by his classification.

He is a smaller more scared boy that often hangs out with Parker (below) and Ashtrix.

He has/is;

Physically smaller than the rest
No key features yet
Jumper with logo (undetermined)


Parker/ paranoia;


She is a generally nice person, but is very paranoid and puts it onto others. Every here and there she gets very overbearing.

She listens to the others to know lots of information. Doesn't like leaving social medias off Do not Disturb when not around her devices.

She is very secretive.

She has/is;

She has a THIRD EYE on her forehead (key icon is an eye)
Large eyes
Knee length skirt with dark pants to her ankles
Long jacket (flannel?)

Pass pass (pronounced Pash Pash) /Passionate Passion:

Determined Squad


Gonna explain. I didn't want RoManTiC or SeXuAl pAsSiOn as a name of my character. So this is what I found as an alternative.

Pass Pass is a very romantic and 'flirty'.

They hang out with 'A. Pash' (haven't got a props name rn) and Ashtrix /Parker to Parker's dismay.

They have/is;

Masculine ->androgynous

Longer hair (think Loki from Marvel)
Collar of their shirt (tuxedo jacket type) has roses on it (key icon)
Flowy black skirt (under tuxedo jacket)
Sophisticated theyo


A.Pass (A, Pash) /Artistic Passion:


Determined Squad!

He is the artistic dude that sits quietly drawing staying out of trouble. He gets down and stressed which impacts his artisery.

Physically undetermined other than short blonde hair and more skinny build.


Elroy/ Logical Intelligence:

He /Him

Yes! ANOTHER inspired by sandersides but like.... It's the best! Anyway----

Elroy normally stays in his room, over-working. He and D.I. are on good terms.

He is at the point of having a mental shut down nearly ever hour of the day, except for tea time. (The drink usually pinky red)

Glasses, rectangle
Messy hair
Large dressing gown (bright purple)
Loose pants (patterned?)
Bags under eyes

No physscial features yet other than an always tired/crying look to his face.


Saunders / Self Doubt / Negative Self Talk

Saunders is a jerk.
He is generally bullyish.
He short baby boy
He fucking sucks ass.

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