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I sigh and knock on on my best friend, Bianca's door. A male voice yells the door is open. Assuming, it's her fiance, Hector, I open the door and find myself being hugged by Hector. We've always been pretty close. He's like a brother to me. Annoying at times, but I love him.

"Hey, little sis.", he smiles

"Hey, Hector." He pulls away and lets me come in. "Where's Bianca?", I ask, looking around the house.

"Bedroom. You can wake her up. I have a surprise for her anyway."


I make my way up the stairs, thinking about the news and Adam. I don't know how I'm going to break it to him. I left while he was at work around 9:30. I don't think he'll be home until 8:30 tonight. I sigh and look at my sister, who seems to be sleeping peacefully. That changes now. I hop on her bed and scream at the top of my lungs. She jumps up and screams.

"Hi!", I exclaim with a smile.

"Hi nothing! God, it's 9:38 AM.", she whines as she points at the clock, like I actually care that it's pretty early for the both of us.

"We have to go shopping and Hector has a surprise for you."

"Ugh. I love my boo-boo, but he gets up to early.", she groaned, getting out of bed.

After leading her downstairs, Hector jumps out with pancakes in the shape of a heart and a box with holes. I admit, I'm jealous and hungry. I want pancakes. Adam was running late this morning. Usually, he cuddles with me before he leaves. Regardless of whether I'm asleep or awake.

Bianca coos. "Hector, you shouldn't have."

"You really shouldn't have.", I pout.

"Relax, cupcake, you can have some too!"

"Awesome-sauce!", I exclaim, grabbing a heart-shaped pancake. . "What's in the box?"

"I have no idea...", Hector smirks. Bianca picks it up with a smile. Once we hear a tiny bark, Bobbie gasps and opens it. A puppy, a baby beagle sticks it's head out and licks Bobbie's chin.

"Oh, Hector, I love... her...?", she asks, not sure if it's a boy or a girl. Hector just nods, telling her it was a girl. "I'll name her... Beanie!" I laugh. "What? It's cute. Just like her.", she says, holding her puppy, Beanie. "Hannah, you seem quieter this morning... You okay?", Bianca asks after cooing over her adorable puppy.

"I have a small surprise for him and I'm not sure how'll he react."

"Adam...?", Hector responds. I nod. "What is it?"

I sigh and give the simplest answer I can give. "I'm pregnant."

It's silent for a minute before Bianca sighs and gives her honest answer with a smile, proving she's on my side no matter what. Not that I didn't know that before, but she's the type of sister to smack me if I get too wild. Can always count on her. "Well, all I can say is if he didn't want a child, he should have used a condom. And if he denies it's his, I'll help you... after I kill him."

After Bianca was done crying, showering and getting dressed, we headed out to the mall. The first place we go to is the food court for pizza and then head towards the clothing and shoe stores. We get a bunch of clothes, shoes and accessories, laughing and talking about Zac Effron. Eventually, we head to Mario's Pizza before Kohls. Time passes faster than I expected because I'm getting tired and we had been shopping for hours.

"We've been shopping for 11 hours. That's not healthy for you and your condition..."

Whoa! I didn't know it was that long! "Okay, are you going to be crazy protective about this?", I ask, managing to keep my cool.

"Yes, I am. Oh. Look who's here." I turn around and see my boyfriend, Adam Lambert. "I'll leave you two alone.", she smirks, walking away with the many bags. I even lost count about how many bags we have total.

Adam slowly wraps his arms around me and softly rocks me, sighing. "I was worried about you when I didn't see you at home or when you didn't answer the phone..." He called me!? "I talked to Hector and our future..." I look down at my feet and sniffle. "Don't cry. It's going to be okay, baby? Why didn't you tell me when you first found out...?"

"I'm sorry. I was scared to tell you. I wasn't sure how you'd react." He moves a hand to the side of my neck and softly kisses my forehead.

"This is the perfect time.", he whispers.

"For what?"

"A question I've wanted to ask for a really long time.", he says, pulling away and getting down on one knee before pulling out a black box. "Hannah Marie, I love you more then life itself. Will make me the happiest man in the world and marry me?"

I stutter. I'm speechless. "Adam, I--Yes! Yes! I will.", I exclaimed, a tear running down my cheek. He stood up and slid the ring on my finger and pushing his lips lightly against mine.

"I'm having a baby with the woman of my dreams.", he whispered, moving a hand to my stomach. "Our baby's kicks are so precious."

"They sure are.", I smiled. He gently held my face and lightly kissed me on my lips.

"I love you."

"I love you too."

"Aww... Well, look, it's a new daddy.", Bianca smirked. "You better protect my sister and niece or nephew."

"With my life.", Adam replied kissing my forehead and holding me in his arms. I smiled. I feel so safe in his arms.

"Good. You're a good man, Adam, but I won't hesitate to kill you if I need to."

Typical Bianca.

After a long day of shopping, eating and talking, I'm exhausted. I lay down on the bed, facing the door when Adam walks in, shirtless with a concerned smile. "You look exhausted." I slowly nod my head. He smiles as he crawled into bed with me and wrapped his arms around my stomach and waist. So protective already and the baby isn't even born yet. Or close to it. He kisses my head. "Get some rest, beautiful."

I smile. "Love you."

"I love you too."

So, I dreamt half of this and just added the rest from my imagination and that's just my favorite song! :)


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08, 2017 ⏰

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