The Meeting

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Sans was walking around the forest of snowdin. The air was as cold as ever. The snow was crunching beneath his feet. He was supposed to meet with someone. He took out something from his pocket and attached it to his hand. Sans took a deep breath and heard someone coming. He followed behind them. " Human... Don't you know how to greet a new pal? Turn around and shake my hand." They stopped and turned around. Sans held out his hand and grabbed the human's. A loud fart noise echoed around the surround area. The human jumped in surprise. "Heheh, The old whoopee cushion in the hand trick. Its always funny." The human look a bit fearful still trying to cope with everything that was happening. "Anyways, I'm supposed to be looking for humans. I'm not looking to catch humans though. But my brother is a human hunting fanatic. I think I see him now." He was squinting at a figure in the distance. "Why don't you go through this gate thingy and hide behind that very conveniently placed lamp over there." He said pointing at the lamp. The human nodded and ran quickly to the lamp and hid behind it.

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