Chapter 1

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The big wooden doors finally succumbed to the axe attack by the government agents, and the dozens of men pushed through into the warehouse, wielding picks and sledgehammers. Thousands of dollars worth of beer and liquor was smashed and sent flowing across the floor and down drains into the city's sewers.

 Thousands of dollars worth of beer and liquor was smashed and sent flowing across the floor and down drains into the city's sewers

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A police Black Mariah carted the few unfortunate men found on site off to jail without fuss - small fish in a giant pond.

A police Black Mariah carted the few unfortunate men found on site off to jail without fuss - small fish in a giant pond

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Karl Hagen glowered down the length of the conference table at the gathering of minor bosses and soldiers. The topic was the raid on his warehouse and who was going to accept the blame. Untold dollars in profits went in bribes to politicians, police and even the federal agents to see this kind of thing didn't happen.

"It's that new mug in the DOJ, Hoover. He's working his way up the ladder and weeding out anyone even suspected of taking our dough." Several others muttered agreement with the speaker, watching for Karl's reaction.

"And why am I paying you lot?" His fist hit the table making glasses and ashtrays jump.

"He's surrounded by a ton of loyal agents, Karl. There's no gettin' near the guy . . . and even if we do it'll mean blood in the streets."

Silence settled on the room as feet shuffled and throats cleared. Eye contact was avoided by everyone. Karl left the table and went to the window, opening the blind and stood, hands clasped behind his back. Dennis Creighton, his right hand man signalled for the others to leave; the meeting was over.

A more intimate but no less intense meeting took place shortly after in Karl's private office with Dennis and Karl's mistress, Kitty O'Halloran.

"They're right, Karl. Going head to head with the Feds is a poor percentage move. We're still way ahead of the game when you consider state-wide income."

Karl leaned on his desk, frowning. "Principle, Dennis. Principle. If the idea gets out anyone can knock over one of Karl Hagen's operations it'll be open season."

"It isn't just anyone, Karl, it's the federal government and it isn't just you - it's nation-wide. Bosses all over the country are scrambling to hide and protect their assets."

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