Chapter teehee

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You wake up early in the morning. "What time is it?" You say to ur self because your alone. you read the time and it's 3:00AM. "Wow I woke up early!!!" Just then your brother burst into the room. "SHUSH ITS 3:00 AM YOUR TOO LOUD!!" your brother yells at you, waking up everyone in the house. You hear you mother scream down the hallway "BE QUIET BEFORE I GET MY RICE SOCK!" You decide to go back to bed, trying to ignore the stares of your brother. then you shut off like a Uncharge phone.


You wake up again, realizing it's 7:00. "Shoot I forgot I had school today. quarantine messed with my sleep schedule" you quickly change ,run downstairs, grab a piece of toast, and run to school like the anime gurl you are.
you were looking at the sky when all of the sudden... BLAM you ran into someone. "I'm so sorry!!!" you say to the most beautiful person you ever seen in your life. "O-oh it's ok, do you go to Viber elite school?" Asked the Beautiful person. "Um yes, do you go there too!" You ask standing up off the floor. "Yeah, do you want to be friends?" Asked the beautiful person "sure, my name is PROTAGONIST, what's your name?" You say awkwardly cause your social awkward. "Wow! That's such a pretty name, my name is scary chan." "Wow you have a fantastic name!" You both laugh like the awkward kids you are. You decide to walk to school together.


You awkwardly stare at the cafeteria looking at all of the people. When someone comes up to you "Hello! I'm pewpie what's your name?" You wonder why everyone at Viber elite is so pretty. "o-oh hi I'm PROTAGONIST." The person seems shocked by something. "WOW YOUR NAME IS SO COOl!! Wanna sit with me?" "Yes" you say with no regrets. You follow pewpie to a table and you see scary-chan at the table. "Oh hi scary chan" you, pew pie, and scary chan eat your lunches.

To be continued...

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⏰ Last updated: May 03, 2021 ⏰

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