.-.-.-.Who am I ?.-.-.-.

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Who am I you will ask?

( I'm sorry if my English isn't perfect but in my country, we don't use it )

I'm just a teen who sees what others don't.

I see shadows, fantasy animals, bright shadows, monsters, areas, what other people imagine, future images, other people's memories... And so many others. I feel danger, entities, other people's emotions and intentions. I can see other people chakra or non-human parts, reading it I can read people more easily.

I've met witches, ghosts, demons, spiritual animals, done explorations in weird places

I'm only 14 and I've seen much... too much.

My meditation told me I have the eye chakra much opened and the crown one opened a bit more than the rest. And then she told me I've got a lot of past lives nearly 2000 years of life.

I did so many wrong things that people told me not to do... but I can't resist.

Will you say where you are or who you are?

No. I wanna be safe at least from people.

I don't know how many people know about this. Everything: no one. The base: 15. Half: 10.

The thing is... people from cults could hunt me to use me as they please or kill me to use my body for rituals or to make me tell everything I know.

I hope no one who knows about this will search for me for anything bad.

Do you have a religion?


My parents always made me go to church but every time I go there or listen to people praying I always feel bad or start having a headache

I don't need a religion. To live I don't need it. I don't need people to command me or to tell me what's wrong or right to do. I don't need it.

There are some things that I know that I should not know. I just know it and those things are real even if no one told me.

I only believe what I see and feel, try, and know.

- Mary

My Story :) [My HORROR Life or thoghts]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin