The lockdown: An awakening of Human Values

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Hello  everybody , I am about start talking about something serious , no more delay , no more stalling , we have no time to waste because things are getting out of control .
Briefly , all of the mankind is at a bloody war , I am not talking about those wars between countries . This one is special . All of the countries are united against one enemy, not just invisible but deadly yes I am talking about Corona Virus .  It is not the first virus that infects the world but one of the most dangerous . So without going into details because these isn't our subject . If I am here today , it s because I want to talk bout the lockdown . As u know the Moroccan Government decided to take his precautions by announcing the quarantine.  It was something unbelievable when we were told to stay at home for as long as two months maybe the situation is worrying but it is an opportunity to revive a set of valuable values that we miss it in our time . This pandemic can bring out the best in people .
Because of The lockdown , The family togetherness reminded people of what they were missing all along in the pursuit of 'success' . Covid 19 taught us that these social differences make no sense because this virus may infect everyone, the rich and the poor, the king and the people, without  any  racism or discrimination. This break has also taught us that unity is strength because we are all now in one ship sailing in dangerous waves . Either we survive or drown . Our destiny is in our hands . This lockdown has made us understand that countries across the world have to work together forgetting the differences to achieve peace and live together as one human race.
Lockdown has helped us to focus on what makes us happy and train our minds to think positively all the time.
Sooner or later, like many pandemics in the past, COVID-19 too will pass off .All the same, it will leave its mark and cultivate in us some great values like social responsibility, , cooperation, belief in equality which can make this world a happier place. The lessons will hopefully guarantee us a better world with a better future.
At last hand in hand we can transcend this crisis.

The lockdown: An awakening of Human Values Where stories live. Discover now