Oliver and Alfred

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It was a chilly winter morning, a certain blonde haired American was on his way to visit his favorite Brit. After a while of walking down a few sidewalks clad with ice he made it to the Briton's house. The American approached the pastel colored house and gave the door a rough yet loud sounding knock, he patiently awaits for a reply from the inside the house, after a few minutes of waiting the door creaked open to reveal a medium sized man with strawberry blonde hair. "Alfred!" He said in a cheerful voice "Come inside poppet, it must be freezing out there.." Alfred gave a rapid nod as he stepped inside "Got that right dude" Alfred scans the inside as he strips his snow drenched winter clothing. "How have ya been Oliver?" He asks the smaller man while glancing over in his direction "I've been fine, how about yourself?" The Brit known as Oliver says in a questioning tone "I've been good too! Could go without the snow though" he says with a light shrug while stepping into the living room of Oliver's home so he could sit down and get comfortable, before doing this Oliver placed a hand upon Alfred's shoulder. "Mind helping me with something, Dear?" After a short pause of silence Alfred flashed a warm smile  in the Brit's direction "But with what?" Oliver began to smile right back at him "With making cupcakes! Sound good to you?" Alfred's smile increases in size at the mention of the sweet treat. "Of course!" The two soon head towards the rather small kitchen to get started on the cupcakes, Alfred patiently awaits for an order from Oliver. "Hmm.. Alfred can you go and get the cupcake tin from the cabinet while I go and grab the ingredients.. ?" Alfred gave another /rapid/ nod as he scurries off to get the cupcake tin, after a few minutes if rummaging he finally came across it. "Found it!" Alfred shouts out while waving the tin in the air "Good ..!" Oliver shouts back at him. "Mind bringing it over?" Alfred does just that, he sets it down on the counter next to what Oliver got out. A while passed after the strawberry blonde got everything prepared, he slid the tin into the oven after he made sure each circular section had the right amount of batter. "Want to go watch TV or something while we wait?" Alfred asked while leaning over the counter. "That sounds lovely~" Alfred and Oliver walk back to the living room, Alfred walks towards Oliver's TV and switched it on then quickly makes his way over to the couch. Oliver already had taken a seat on his recliner, the Brit had his feet propped up and had his vision locked on the screen. Alfred plops down on the bright pink couch that sat behind him "Soooo.." Alfred says to the Brit, to try and start up a conversation "Wanna talk or nah?" Oliver smiles at the American "Why not! But what do you want to talk about?" Alfred thought to himself for a moment before speaking up again "How about people?" Oliver gave a nod "Sure, Hmm.. Have you talked to Allen lately?" The American shook his head "Nope, he's been busy with whatever vegetarians do.. What about Arthur, have you talked to him?" A cool looking smile appears on the Briton's face "No, last time he was here he nearly burnt the house down with one of his cancer sticks" Oliver let out a sigh as he twiddles with his fingers. "Wanna talk about anyone else?" Oliver asks as he glances at Alfred "No not really.." After another passing moment /of silence/ a ding could be heard from the kitchen. "Cupcakes are done!" Alfred said as he quickly got up, but what he didn't realize is Oliver already got up but quickly an ran towards where Alfred stood. The two end up falling down after the Brit collided into the American, Alfred let out a groan as he felt something fall onto him. That something was the Brit "Darn it..." Alfred grumbled, Oliver let out a groan of his own along with a sniffle. The two both got hurt in the process but apparently Oliver wasn't as sturdy as Alfred. "I-It hurts.." Oliver said with a whimper, Alfred let out a sigh as he squirms out from beneath the Brit "You'll be fine, dude" he said reassuringly "I w-will?" Oliver questions as he looks at Alfred. "I'm sure of it!" The blonde said while placing a comforting kiss on Oliver's cheek "Thanks love" The Brit spoke as he felt his face heat up after receiving the kiss.

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