Chapter 1

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Deku's POV:

   I was sleeping in class when I heard a loud thud I woke up startled I whisper yelled"FUCK!" Everyone stopped what they were doing and turned to face me. "Deku did you just cuss?" Uraraka asked. Even Kacchan was in shock. I realized what I had just said and tried to cover it up "o-oh I-i did s-sorry i d-d-didn't mean t-t-too" I said. " Umm ok..." Uraraka said. That was a close one. I knew I hadn't put up my best performance as "shy timid" Deku so I could see that everyone was worried about me. I tried my best to act but it didn't convince them. I just prayed that these fuckers wouldn't invade my privacy.

Uraraka's POV:
     Once I heard Deku cuss for the 2nd time I knew something was wrong. Me and the rest of the Dekusquad had noticed some changes in Deku like, he sometimes had to go randomly answer some phone calls and when he came back he looked kind of drained and murderous but he assured us that he was fine. I didn't believe that obviously, and asked Jirou to use her earphones to listen to the conversations he has been having. I was worried about Deku so I needed to find out what was wrong.

Jirou's POV:
      Uraraka had asked me to listen to Midoriya's Phone calls and I thought it was weird at first but then I remembered how strange he was acting so I did as I was told and listened. I sat at my desk waiting until Midoriya's phone rang. We told all of class 1-A and decided to record the conversation incase something serious is going on. Finally his phone rang and he left the classroom. I hastily followed trying not to get noticed and once he stopped I found a wall and put my earphone in and I listened. 

(Some of my OCs named will be in the phone call or mentioned)

I: Sup bitch   

B: Yo hoe and are you ready for tonight                                                                                                              

I: Hell yeah I cant wait to see the bloodshed and also tell Ashley to stop getting high before our missions we can do so much better without her addicted ass!                                                        

B: I know right and also should we bring snipers or Glock 17s?                                                                

I: Definitely snipers bitch                                                                                                                                              

B: Alright bye

He ended the phone call and walked back to the classroom. I was basically paralyzed I couldn't believe what I had just heard! I played the recording for the entire class and everyone was in shock.

Author san's POV:

  Everyone was so surprised. How could their little broccoli cinnamon roll cuss and even worse use guns! After they recovered they all agreed to follow the greenette and see what was going on.

Bakuhoe - I mean Bakugou's POV:

"THAT LITTLE SHIT NERD" I practically screamed after hearing the recording I obviously agreed to follow the stupid nerd and see for myself what he was doing. 

Author san's POV:

     After class Deku went to his dorm not knowing that the entire class 1-A was tagging along he changed his clothes into something more likable (to him atleast. This is what is croptop looks like).

 This is what is croptop looks like)

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