Volcanic Clash

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Volcanic Clash     -Auraka VS Vesuvius and Novarupta

Chapter One: Operation Observation

-Hagues Peak, Canada-


Hagues Peak. An area of the world that has been completely lost to humanity. I have spent the past several decades studying the area's new owners: the Titanofauna. The Titanofauna, or Titans as Monarch calls them, or Kaiju as many people have taken to calling the beasts, have begun to return to the world at large. My name is Gavin Coleman, I have the head of one of the organizations that has formed to deal with the mighty creatures. I lead the ATRF, the Anti-Titanofaunic Responsive Forces, we are an international group based primarily in Greenland, Brazil, Australia, France, Canada and Germany. Last year organizations like mine were considered top secret or were laughed at being considered each government's shameful little secret. But then Godzilla made his debut. The MUTOs had forced the Titan's hand and now the world knows everything. Monsters, Kaiju, Titanofauna, all of them are real. Now with renewed purpose as the Americans begin to repair the damages from the battle, the ATRF and myself are allowed to step out of the shadows and make more public moves globally. We managed to get the departmental rights to Canada right out from Monarch's nose thanks to some back alley deals and a friendship I have with Monarch's head guy, Dr. Ishiro Seirizawa. Which brings me to the present.


I snap out of my little walk down memory lane to find one of my technicians, Johann something, looking at me with wide eyes. Joseph or whoever he is, is one of a dozen technicians in the room each of whom has been assigned a different area to oversee in this operation. We are currently in the operation center of this facility. The room is filled with desks with computer screens as well as a giant monitor which is always streaming a live feed from the many cameras around Hagues Peak. Johnathan is the agent in charge of monitoring the motion sensors both inside and outside the reserve to keep track of the Titanofauna and megafauna's movements in the area.

"What is it? What do you have?"

"We have incoming sir, our proximity sensors indicate a large entity of organic nature heading towards the NEST. ETA is about 10 minutes from now if the turrets don't drive whatever it is away."

"It's probably a new megafauna that hasn't learned its place in the modern world yet, could be an escapee from Skull Island, after all didn't they just have some kind of exercise there testing a new mech?"

Another alarm goes off and another person gives me a report instantly. This agent is the person who oversees the facility's internal security.

"Sir, someone has entered the facility!"

This is something that is nearly impossible since we are in the heart of Titanofauna 01's territory. The government of Canada has military forces stationed outside the designated territory to keep people out. At least they were supposed to. Anyone who comes to Hagues Peak must be verified first by the Canadian government then approved of by myself or one of my subordinates in the ATRF. I gave no clearance and was not told of any visitors today so I have no clue who could be infiltrating our observation facility. I gesture to the guards around the room to the door and they get the message: Get ready for company.

Chapter Two: The Volcanic Family

A large beast shakes the trees as it walks by, the creature's two legs stomp through the forest carrying it at speeds most creature's could never imagine. The beast breaks through the treeline and finds itself in a field. The sun strikes the animal's outline and the shadows cast it as an imposing figure. Standing at nearly fifty feet tall, the hominid raises its fists to the air and roars sending smaller animals for miles around running. This creature is a type of mutated Sasquatch, it is much larger than the normal Bigfoot and as such has become more ferocious in claiming its territory in the Colorado-Canadian region. The Sasquatch takes one step forward before its entire upper body is enveloped by a reptilian maw that tosses the mammal up into the air and catches it within its jaws again. Novarupta. A quadrupedal Titanofauna who has claimed the surrounding area of Hagues Peak as her territory and hunting ground. She turns around and begins walking towards the part of the newly created kaiju reserve that houses Nova, her mate, her offspring, and several other megafauna that the Canadian government has managed to either transport or herd to the area.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2020 ⏰

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