the shadow's secret

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review and i hope you will follow me and tell how to improve please no hate mail ,Anyway I'm really I mean really bad at spelling so help me out or just work with me.

the shadow hides those who cannot be found

the shadow hide those who wish not to be found

some shadows are one that leads you somewhere happy

other shadows drag you under complete darkness

the shadow hides our fears

the shadow hide what is feared

the shadow is a blanket of black darkness

but shadows show  us that light is treasre we need to keep safe

love can be called a love shadow of the heart

but shadow also shadows the hate

what we truely fear we do not know

but what others feel is what hides the truth

what the shadow hides the  most in which we fear the most

is our true selfs

we fight every morning with ourselves

we may not relize it but  no one truely knows thy self

trust yourself than love will come easy

and maybe the shadows won't scare us any more

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