First Date

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Hello! Thank you for clicking on this story! This is my first ever Percico Oneshot, hopefully I'll be writing more in the future! It'll be amazing if you could check out my other book, HoO x Reader! My first language if Cantonese so there definitely will be mistakes, please don't mind them! Thank you once again! Onto the story! ^^

Perseus freaking Jackson had asked Nico out for a date and Nico freaked. While the poor son of Hades was still fumbling for an answer, Percy just stood there, patiently waiting for an answer. Ignoring the fiery blush on his face, Nico finally replied, "O-Of course! I'd love to go on-on a date with y-you!" The sea God's son brightened up at this as he smiled, igniting another round of blush on Nico's cheeks.

"See you at 5 then!" With that, Percy left, disappearing back into his cabin. Nico could've just fainted on spot but he forced his weak legs to carry himself back to cabin 13 and flop onto his bed. Now all he needed to do was to figure out something nice but not too formal to wear for the date in the next hour.


A knock sounded at the door at the Hades' Cabin, Nico's breath hitched in his throat as he went over to get the door. He opened it to see a blushing Percy, standing there with a single rose in his hand. Trust me when I say Percy does the cheesiest but cutest things.

"You're early?" Nico said, his eyebrow raised as he looked over at the clock, ticking on his bedside table. Percy looked anxious as he immediately replied, "I'm sorry! Are you not ready yet? I'll leave if you want! I can wait until your ready! I mean of course I can wait until you're ready!" Percy ranted, his face and ears were bright red. Nico let out a soft and rare chuckle, shutting up the sea prince immediately.

"It's fine, I'm ready. Let's go." Percy relaxed at this before extending his hand for Nico to hold. Nico gladly accepted it as the two walked down the path towards the beach.


"I know this isn't really special or anything but I thought a picnic by the beach would be an ideal first date..." Percy explained as he rubbed the back of his neck subconsciously, a nervous habit of his. Nico let out another rare smile before settling down on the picnic blanket Percy had prepared beforehand.

The two lovers down on the blanket and fell into a comfortable silence, staring at the rolling waves crashing onto the shore. Finally, Percy decided to break the silence by confessing.

"Nico...I've been wanting to tell you this for a while, I really like you. Your the first ever person who I really feel comfortable around, one that I don't have to keep up my walls, I feel like I can just be myself around you. What I'm really trying to say is, I love you Nico Di Angelo." Percy had moved from his spot beside Nico, now he was in front of Nico, his face dangerously close. Nico's face was beet red at that point, his brown eyes were wide with shock as his mouth opened and closed a few times.

"I-I like you too, Percy." Nico finally managed to spit out, Percy needed no more before pulling Nico into a sweet and passionate kiss. The kiss wasn't long or steamy, it was just a short kiss yet it held one firm promise. A promise that Percy means to keep for the rest of his life, he wasn't going to hurt Nico or leave him no matter what, he promised to cherish his ghost king for the rest of his life. Percy would love him with infinite love.

Hi again! How is it? Is it good? Please tell me in the comments! I'd love some comments that'll help me improve! Thank u!

~Alaska A.K.A. Trash

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2020 ⏰

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