The Appointment

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*The next morning at the Quality Inn, Terra and Luan were heading out of the hotel and out to Terra's rental jeep. I'm sorry to say, Luan had caught a cold from digging Lori's grave. She was going to dig Lynn's too, but Terra stopped her. Anyways, after arriving at the hospital, they checked in and went to the room and Luan sat on that table. She was sneezing and coughing really hard. She covered her mouth wile doing so.*

Terra:*to herself* Poor kid......!

*Just then, Carol walked in.*

Carol: Hey, Terra!

Terra: Hey, Carol......! Sorry to bother you while you're working........!

Carol: Don't worry about it, Terra! Patients are important! Especially because when you said Luan caught a cold last night! Did she have any other symptoms?!

Terra: Well, she was shivering, because she didn't have a raincoat or umbrella when she dug Lori's grave.

*Carol let out a sad sigh.*

Carol: That's what people do when they're depressed! They go out in the rain and forget their umbrellas and rain jackets!

*She then looked Luan over and checked her temperature, which was 101° degrees, checked her blood pressure and all that.*

Carol: Yep.....! She has a cold........! I'm gonna go write a prescription for cough syrup. I'd also recommend giving her some day and night quill, cough drops every 4 hours, and some hot soup.

Terra: Thank you, Carol!

*Carol left the room to fill out a prescription for cough syrup and came back.*

Carol: Alright, you're all set. *to Luan* Get well soon, Luan!

*Luan nodded and followed Terra to the jeep and got in. Terra then drove to the pharmacy, dropped off the prescription, went to shop for some soup and medicine and picked up the prescription cough syrup. When she they checked out and paid, they headed back to the jeep and Terra drove Luan back to the hotel. When they got there, Luan put her night shirt back on and went to take a nap.*

Terra: Get plenty of rest, Luan! I promise you'll get better soon!

*She stepped outside to call two people, Soren and Albert. When she told them what happened, they were shocked and heartbroken.*

Note: Please read Luan's Rage for Terra nursing Luan back to health.


Seeing Carol (Another deleted scene from Luan's Rage)Where stories live. Discover now