Peters Diary

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Hi! Im (insert name) and the last week has been... amazing i guess... Well let me talk you through it...


Today was just a normal school day (or so i thought)
It was just a ramdom Tuesday at the start of may!

*alarm goes off*
no  no no no not again!
*gets dressed*
"hunny, your gonna be even later if you dont hurry up and get breakfast!" your mum said
"im gomna get something on the way to school!"
"ok" said mum
*leaves house*
You walk to the shop and get a coffee and a snack.

You walk into your classroom as the bell rings and everyone is staring at you.

'why me' you thought

As the day passes by you finnally get to lunch time where you met your bestie, steff.
"hey girl, why was you so late to school?" she said

"i slept in, again..."  you said

"anyways besides the point, so you know how i was talking about wanting to be be friends with mj..." steff said

"yeah...why?" you said curiously
"well i was talking to her and she said she wants to be friends too, so do you wanna go meet her now?"

"oh ok fineee!" you said in a joking kind of way

As you were walking to mj your heart stopped as you saw Peter walking to mj too!
You try to hide behind steff but it was no use, peter had seen you.

You had a MASSIVE crush on peter and you wanted to tell him how you felt but you were too shy to even say hi.

Steff sees peter and grabs your arm, she pulls you to mj before you could escape.

You were awkwardly just stood there whilst mj, steff, peter and ned were all talking. The bell saved you though! You rushed back to class and hoped you didnt cry.

1 hour had passed and you were all getting ready for home, as per usual you were last to go home... as you were heading out the classroom door you noticed that on peters desk there was a black book that had the words 'peters diary' on the front. You picked it up and shoved it into your back pack hoping no one saw you, you was planning on giving it to him in the next day at school but because you was a very clumsy person you forgot that there was no school tomorrow because it was a Saturday.
'you can take it home, but dont read it.' thats what you told yourself whilst leaving the school gates!


All night you had been trying to resist reading his diary but you couldnt take it anymore...
You leaped onto your bed, pulled the book from behind your pillow and oppened it...
On the first page it said:

Dear Diary,
I have been wanting to tell someone this for a while now but i just couldnt so i figured i could just write it down instead, so theres this girl i like...

- you stopped reading the diary for a second whilst listening to the sound of your heart shatter into a million peices as you thought about peter liking someone else, but you was still curious as to who this girl was so you carried on reading...

- i want to tell her how i feel but i dont know when, whenever i see her i just get so nervous and it always seems like a bad time.
This girl, shes like the perfect girl, shes kind, funny, amazing and i want her to know that i love her... Her name is (insert your name)

- your heart skipped a beat after reading your name, peter likes you... And you didnt even know! All those nice thing he wrote about you, you wondered if he actually ment them...

It was around 2am when you was about to fall to sleep but just as you had layed down, there was a loud noise that made you fall off of your bed.
it had happened again, exept this time it was clear as to where the strange noise was comming from....
You stood up and fut on your some joggers and a t-shirt and headed to your window, you stood there in shock as you saw peter putting his bike on the floor.
Peter looked up and for some reason he looked more shocked than you did.
"o-oh hi, im so sorry for waking you!" peter whispered
"no, no its fine i wasnt even fully asleep."you whispered back
" oh why couldnt you get to sleep? " peter asked
" i dont really know, my mind was too busy thinking of other things, and i guess thats what was keeping me up! "

" oh well ummm.. I actually was gonna tell you something at school but if you want we can go to the beach now and talk about it..." peter offered

" umm yeah sure why not, ill just leave my mum a text saying ive gone out for a bit."

You put on some sandals and grabbed the house keys, you slowly oppened the front door and went outside. You locked the door and walked to peter.
You headed down the road and stopped by some shops,
" wow, look at that sunset! " peter said
" oh wow" you said

You walked to the beach and sat on the sand, it was starting to get a bit cold and then peter said
"hey are you cold?"
"umm kinda why!" you said
Peter gives you his hoodie and you put it on, peter got all the hair out of your face and then wrapps his arms around you...
You start to blush but just then you get a call from your mum...

*the next day at school*
You walk through the classroom door still wearing peters hoodie,
Everyone was looking at you, you were pretty used to it by now tho so you just sad down at your desk and looked at peter,

"studants! You have until break time to  get into pairs for this next assignment" said your teacher

At break time, peter awkwardly walks upto you and asks you if you want to be partners for the assignment.
You say yes, obviously

*6 hours later*
Peter arrives at your house to work on the assignment and you manage to finish half of it already.

Peter had gone downstairs to go get a drink so you decided you would put his dairy in his back pack,

Just as i picked up the diary, peter walked back into my room, he looked confused...

"what are you doing?"
Peter asked
"so umm i- well-" you mumbled
"did you read it?" he said
"umm well- i kinda - yess! Im sorry... U left it at school and i saw it on your desk so picked it up and was gonna give it back to u buth then i keft it untill Saturday so i couldnt give it to you then, and i couldnt resist the urge to not read it. I only read one page though and i have been wanting to tell you something too! " you ranted
" you have? " peter said
" yes! I want to say that i like you too peter i always have dont but i didnt think that you liked me too so i never said anything! " you confessed

You and peter stared at eachother and then he kissed you!

        ♡︎Happily ever after♡︎

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2020 ⏰

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