♡︎ Reqeust here ♡︎

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This is were you request chapters you want to see. It can be any chapter of your liking with any genre. But please be specific, my tiny brain can't process a lot of stuff-

But I do have rules. 3 short simple rules! Don't worry ♡'・ᴗ・'♡

- 1// Please if you requested once don't request for a while, give other people a chance to request a chapter.

2// If you choose to select smut: then I have a strict rule for NO FORCED SMUT! I'm sorry if your into that stuff, but I rather not support rape I'm any shape or form. It sickens me to know people actually do that not only in books but in reality. I'm sorry but I just feel uncomfortable writing forced smut. It hurts me to be reminded of the fact people in the real world had to lose their virginity or whatever because of a forced sexual intercourse. Sorry! Nor will i do pedophilia, incest etc   (ᗒ^ᗕ)՞

3// No quibbling or arguing in my book, please. I recommend you take that to PM. Because as the author, I receive the messages and I don't want to feel like I have to be the bigger person and break it up. Nor do I want my readers that's apart of that chain to have to constantly receive messages of a argument they had no part in. And plus, I hate confrontation and sorting out stuff like arguments and fights! (ᗒᗣᗕ)՞

That's all.

But if you do request a chapter here, please fill out this form.

Angst, Fluff, Lime or Smut:


What will the reader be like; (ex: tough cookie, shy, timid, etc

What character?:

Well. That is it for today! Bye!

Bɴʜᴀ ᴏɴᴇsʜᴏᴛs ꨄ // ɪᴏɪᴏ~ᴄʜᴀɴWhere stories live. Discover now