Chapter One: James

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"Captain James Dawson?" said a man, clearly not of the Royal Australian Navy but nonetheless the man James had been waiting for his whole life.

He had been waiting for this moment so long that he didn't notice the spy planes which had flew directly over him; as well as the several other people who had sat in the same beautiful garden surrounded café he was also occupying, who were clearly government agents.

If James had decided to observe the great landscape which surrounded him, he would've noticed the government agents and known for sure that this time it wasn't an ignorant joke being played on him by his good-for-nothing colleges.

Since he hadn't made this observation yet, James was extremely nervous. He was fidgeting, and he started to reconsider until the strange man showed up. Unfortunately for James he had a background in astrophysics and was renowned for his theories about asteroids, comets and planets which suggested that the reason for many of their orbits, shapes and sizes where due to spatial disruption caused by space craft entering faster-than-light travel.

He often made references to Daniel Jackson, an archaeologist who had outrageous theories regarding a connection between ancient civilisations. This further discredited his theories and research, making him somewhat of a joke among the astrophysics community.

When he decided to join the Australian Navy, it came as a surprise to most of his 'fans' so to speak. Later it was thought that he did this to somehow join a military run secret agency which explored places and possibilities that were related to his work. Many other members of the Navy often told him to meet them at cafés and gardens to discuss something top secret and then would laugh at him for showing up. It had been three years since the last time it happened, and he somehow felt this time it would be different; he was very right.

"Yes, that is me," awkwardly replied James.

Deep down the strange man understood what he was feeling although didn't show it due to his military nature and hardcore training, this then made James even more nervous.

"Would you walk with me?" said the tall man, his eyes were a light blue and his hair was clearly the least of his priorities. The fact that the man wasn't wearing glasses as most high-ranking officers do to hide their identity was unusual and scared James. He then realised he was wearing U.S. Airforce uniform, this comforted him to some extent.

The two set off and the several government agents, casually but clearly followed them.

"What if I told you most of your 'out of place' theories, to say the least, were correct?" said the man, making absolutely no eye contact.

"I would say this joke is getting very old," sternly replied James, finding his confidence again. He said this as if he stole the confidence of the man.

This thoroughly confused the military man. This was the first exciting thing that had happened to him in a long time, recruiting the best-of-the-best for the new division of Stargate Command. This degraded the man's confidence, as this was the first person he approached regarding the program and they we're already rejecting his offer before he even offered it.

James wasn't a stereotypical military man. He was tall, his brown hair was nicely cut, and his hazel eyes contrasted his pale skin. This confused the strange man, for most navy soldiers weren't pale, although James had spent the last few months on duty in a submarine. Despite this, the man was confident that he would make a great commander for the HMAS Brown Dwarf.

"This is not a joke," swiftly replied the man stealing his confidence back.

"It better not be," said James, pulling the confidence back into himself.

His reply was met by an awkward minute of silence as they continued to walk through the garden. James felt compelled to continue, somehow knowing that this time it would be different.

"James, have you ever heard of the Stargate Program?" said the man, as the joy of informing someone of humanity's greatest discovery washed over him. This brought back memories.

"Should I know what it is?" replied James in a partly successful attempt to bring humour to the conversation.

"Of course not!" said the man, losing the military façade to acknowledge the humour.

"Before I do this, my name is Lieutenant General Gene Richardson," said the general as his favourite part of the process fast approached.

By now they had walked into a mostly deserted part of the park, this was the General's intentions the whole time. He had slipped a transmitter into the side pocket of James's jacket while they we're walking.

"Do wh-," said James as his body was engulfed by a flood of white light and suddenly he was gazing at planet earth.

"Is th-that earth?" said James as his body was filled by excitement.

"That is Earth, you are currently aboard the U.S.S. John Hammond," said Gene as they both gazed at earth through the large window.

"I didn't come here to show you earth, James," said the general as he ushered James towards the next room.

In the centre of the room there was a single console in the centre of the room and Gene sat on the chair a started typing into the computer.

"Look out the window," said Gene as he pointed towards another large window.

James was speechless, he always appreciated the beauty of nature including the stars and the night sky.

As he approached the window, outside there was a ripple and as if paint was being washed off the earth and a dark grey ship appeared.

"W-w-what is th-that?" said James, nearly unable to find his words.

"It's basically the same as a BC-304 design visually, although contains allot of stealth technology which is why it has been named as a BC-305 Stealth Class Battle Cruiser," said Gene as he saw the smile form across James's face.

"Why are you showing me this?" said James after a few minutes of taking in the site.

"It's the first of it's class and you'll be the first to command it," said Gene.

"What is she called?" enthusiastically replied James.

"HMAS Brown Dwarf," said Gene as he gazed upon the magnificent ship which would be the flagship of the new Black Operations division of Stargate Command. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2020 ⏰

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