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" Lucia , please please come with me "

"No . I am too much tired today ."

"Please ,,,,"

" * sigh* fine "

The conversion here is showing is between my best friend Zane and me .

She is pestering me to come with her for shopping . because a new mall opened at our neighborhood.

Oh I forgot to give my intro . so let's go for the intro first .

Hi ! I am Lucia . full name Lucia han . I am a  xy university student .my parents are always abroad for business issues . I am a topper at my university .

Heyyo !! I am Zane . in this story I am Lucia's best friend . my parents died when I was 7 . from then I am in care of Lucia's parents . well Lucia is like my sister more than a friend .


Lucia's POV

Well my friend was buttering me up . so I had to slip . 😅 . so I wore a simple white dress and a cap .

" so , let's go " - Zane said .

The weather is too much hot . I was already regretting  for being out at this moment . we walked towards the mall . the mall was a collaboration of Kim , Min , Park & Jeon industries.

These 4 industries are the most biggest and successful industry in s.Korea as well as the world .

So the mall is not quite normal .its too much big and grand . I was in awe when I entered .

" so , thank me now that I brought you here 😎😎"

" yeah yeah of course "

Then we both giggled . the people in the mall were staring at us but we do not care . that's how we are .

Then we both bought a lot thing . the mall was too much big and I was already tired before coming here so we thought to sit somewhere and then we will think what to buy after that.

So we went to the top floor . the top floor was wholly made of glass . the walls were made of glass too .

After some sec we realized the whole floor was a shop . only one shop .


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