Chapter 1: You Agree With Teddy?!

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*Teddy Was Recording In The Kitchen*

Teddy: Hi Charlie! There you are, nine months old and look how cute you are! Yeah... And look how cute I am. It's your big sister, Teddy here and I'm making this video diary here to help you survive our... "special" family. Oh, hey! Looks like Dad taught you how to eat bananas. Oh! And there's Mom, looking lovelier then ever this morning.

Mrs Duncan: Not in the mood. Okay I think you've had enough bananas, so we're switching to sweet peas! You're gonna love them, look Mommy think there so yummy look. Mmmm... *spit it back to the bowl*

Teddy: Very smart always let Mommy try it first, 'kay? (Scene switches to Family Room) Oh, there's your older brother PJ doing today's homework at the last minute as usual.

PJ: This isn't today's homework, it's yesterday's homework.

Teddy: There's a chance you two will be in high school together. Oh, and there's Dad preparing for another's day work, he kills bugs for a living.

Mr Duncan: Honey, come on, we've been through this. I don't kill bugs, I'm a pest control specialist.

Teddy: Either way, (moves finger across neck, signaling 'dead') Now, then. *Hears the door opened and closed*

Hira: I'm Back.

Teddy: Looks like somebody was on a dangerous adventure again. That Charlie is you're older sister, Hira. She's a Adventurous Girl 5 or 9.

Hira: Hey, I am a Hidashi Shipper. *Walks Upstairs To Change*

Teddy: Okay?, So, now you met the whole family.

?: Forgetting somebody?

Teddy: Gabe! No, no, no, I, I didn't forget about you! I was just saving the best for last! Charlie, that was your younger, older brother, Gabe. (turns to Gabe) You want to say something to Charlie?

Gabe: You ruined my life.

Teddy: Okay, so, it's taking Gabe a little longer to get used to you. You were kind of a surprise...

Gabe: Thought surprises were supposed to be good.

Teddy: And Cut. (puts away camera)

*Mrs Duncan Came To The Family Room*

Mrs Duncan: Okay gang, listen up! I'm going back to work tonight at the hospital for the first time since Charlie was born. So I want everybody to stay at home and help Dad with the baby.

Teddy: No Mom, Hira and I'm not going to be here tonight, Hira has a blind date and I have a study date at the library.

Mrs Duncan: Ugghh...

PJ: Don't you mean studily date? With Spencer? (makes kissing noises)

Teddy: Oh save it for your pillow!

Mrs Duncan: I'm sorry Teddy, but you're just gonna have to reschedule. To Both of you.

Hira: Yay! No Meeting Idiot Boys Like PJ!

PJ: Hey!

Teddy: But Dad...

Mrs Duncan: Bob.

Bob: Um, Dad's not available right now.

Teddy: Mom, don't take this the wrong way, but why did you guys have to have another baby and adopt a teenager when we are already a full pack?

Hira: *Gasp* Y- You never wanted to adopt me? I feel betrayed! *Runs Upstairs Crying*

Amy: Well, because, three kids were just too easy, three's for quitters! And just for upsetting you're little sister, you are picking her up when it is past 8:30 PM. She's going to that blind date after all.

Teddy: (Yes!)

Bob: And Teddy, you know better to upset Hira and schedule a blind date and a study date with two boys that I never met. Come on, as a Dad it's my responsibility to know every detail in my kids' life.

Gabe: Oh yeah? What school do I go to?

Bob: Um..The school named after that president?

*Gabe shakes his head*

Bob: Hey, you know what? I gotta drive you kids to school!

Teddy: Let's go.

Gabe: But. I haven't even have had breakfast yet!

Bob: Let's go. Hira, it's time to go to adventure school!

Hira (Upstairs): Coming!

Gabe: ... Most important meal of the day! (looks at kitchen) Never got it.

Bob: Let's go. (motions at door) I gotta get you to mm... ro.. Roosevelt?

Hira: It's Called -----


Hira: Yeah, that is what I was about to say.

Bob: Got it.

(Theme Song Plays)

Chapter 1 Ended.

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