Character Introduction

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Name:  Yakshiku,Shiro
Hair Colour:Black
Gender: Male

Likes: Playing video games, Watching anime, music and playing football (soccer)

Hates: Being late , annoying people and socializing

He lives with his mother
He has a little brother named Taki
He is the oldest of the five
He is protective of his friends

Name: Myoko,Oki
Hair colour: blonde
Gender: male

Likes: being cheerful, helping others , playing video games and playing football

Hates: Delinquents, People who follow fake news and chocolate

He is an only child
He always tops the class
He lives with his Father

Name: Mutsuko, Yogi
Hair colour: Blonde
Gender : Male

Likes: Playing Video Games, Helping others , being in a good friend group and playing football (soccer)

Hates: People he doesnt know, people who lays a finger on his friends and delinquents

He has known Shiro for 8 years
He is an only child
He is very protective of his friends
Lives with both parents

Name: Kado, Akira
Hair colour: black
Gender: Male

Likes: Playing video games, Sleeping and Teasing Tomo

Hates: Studying, Being in huge crowds and Childish music

He sleeps in his free time
Has a little sister name Aki
He is an upcoming actor

Name: Seiko, Tomo
Hair colour: Black
Gender: Male

Likes: Food, Studying and Walks

Hate: Being teased by Akira, Doesnt take jokes and being alone

He live with both parents
He is the youngest of the five friends
He has been in the friend group for the least amount of time

A/N: this is my first time writing hope you like it and there may be some spelling mistakes here and there

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