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Introduction to Contest:

Welcome to the Ohana Community! This is our first graphic awards and we're very excited to launch our community and we hope you find it engaging and enlightening.

This graphic contest is to help designers grow and improve their skills with positive advice and to give recognition to the ones who have done exceptionally well so far.

This contest is going to have five rounds and everyone will be scored out of fifty in each round, there will be round winners but the overall prize goes to the person with the best score out of 250.


For this contest we are accepting:

15 contestants so sign up fast!


Here are the awards for the first, second and third overall places:

- 1st Place 🥇

20 votes on a book of choice

A shoutout on our account 

A sticker 

2 permanent follows from an admin 

20 font choices 

3 Graphic resources 

A space in the hall of fame

15 aesthetic images ( your choice of genre )

- 2nd Place🥈

15 votes on a book of choice 

A shoutout on our account 

A sticker 

2 graphic resources 

A permanent follow from an admin

10 font choices

10 aesthetic images (your choice of genre )

- 3rd Place🥉

10 votes on a book of choice 

A shoutout on our account 

A sticker

1 graphic resource

A permanent follow from an admin 

5 aesthetic images (your choice of genre )

5 font choices

Now some explanations.. A graphic resource is basically a mini course.. could be a anything from a PowerPoint to a video. And it is a short course that teaches you more about making the best graphics. They are resources we found or compiled. Usually they would be given with topics that we found you needed help in.

For the font choices, depending on how many you have you can choose the types of font we give you.. say you won five font choices, you can choose to get 2 calligraphy ones, 2 bold ones and a playful one. The same for the image choices but those ones you can decide maybe one brooding picture on bright and colorful picture and so on.. If you win just pm us what you want and we'll send it to you.

If you are interested and want to join either as a judge or a contestant, then move on to the next chapters and sign up! 

Graphic Contest {Open}Where stories live. Discover now