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(Orca has a Draconic accent but it only comes out if she's really ticked off/tired or in dragon form. also when her accent is coming through in her human/human dragon form the words will be in bold like this. )

Orca's POV

I had just moved away from my old layer in Canada to get away from my toxic ex-boyfriend Scorch/aka Justin. I had finished moving my furniture into my new layer on the boarder of Detroit when a large flaming object flew over my house and into lake Eire. I quickly shifted, ran to the lake, and dove in. It's currently late at night and I am on the far edge of the city so I didn't need to worry about people seeing me. I swam far below the surface and spotted a large orange and red craft. I swam around it but didn't go in for fear that I would set some sort of security off and I don't need angry aliens on my tail. Hunters and my Crazy Ex are enough thanks. After studying the craft for a few hours I swam back to my house and continued with my night.

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