Twas Trouble at Twilight

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( It’s the middle of the night. James is on the couch deciding to watch Netflix or go to sleep. Doorbell rings and James opens the door and finds Elizabeth on the doorstep almost in tears. The scene takes place in the living room of an apartment that James shares with his Friend George.)

James: Hey. What’s wrong? Come in.

Elizabeth: Thanks, I just.... I just don’t know who I could talk to and..... I’m sorry it’s just that I trust you more than anyone. (sits on couch)

James: Come on. (sits next to Elizabeth) Tell me what’s wrong or else I can’t help you.

Elizabeth: (sniffles)Well you remember that guy I was dating?

James: Yeah, did he hit you? Do I need to kill someone?

Elizabeth: No he... I ... we broke up..

James: (Hands person a tissue) oh. Well things will get better and you were too good for him anyway.

Elizabeth: (Wipes eyes) If I was too good for him then why did he leave me?

James: Because people toss things to the side not knowing it’s worth.

Elizabeth: I’m not worth it.

James: Yes you are.

Elizabeth: No I’m trash.

James: If you’re trash then I want to take you out sometime.

Elizabeth: (sad chuckle) Surely you jest?

James: I do not jest madam. For thine beauty is as radiant as a thousand suns and a moment’s gaze sends me to the most heavenly places.

Elizabeth: (dabs under eyes and sniffles) Oh knight I would be a burden as heavy as a thousand sins.

James: (hugs Elizabeth) No you wouldn’t and even if you were I’d take on those sins and more.

Elizabeth: (hugs back) hey I thought we were supposed to be from medieval times. (laughs)

James: (pulls back) I’m sorry it’s just I hate to see you like this because an amazing girl like you deserves to be happy.

Elizabeth: Thanks. (smirks)

James: No problem so want to binge on some Ice cream or something. (Gets up and searches fridge in the next room)

Elizabeth: What do you have today chef?

James: (comes back) Ah, yes. Today I have prepared a minty cream of ice with chocolate pieces. Bone Apple Teeth.

Elizabeth: Ooh fancy. (chuckles)

James: (Sits back on couch) (bashfully) I mean not really.

Elizabeth: (laughs) Of course not, but thanks anyway.

James: (smirks) Yeah. So why did you break up?

Elizabeth: (sighs) He said I snored horribly. 

James: (laughs) That’s all?

Elizabeth: (shoves playfully) Don’t laugh. He also says my laugh is annoying and that he can be doing so much better.

James: Oh please, you know you have the greatest laugh in the world and he must be insane to think there’s anyone who can beat you.

Elizabeth: ( as a character) He must be a raving stark!

James: Indeed madam he is. (mutters to self) because if I had you I’d cherish you forever.

Elizabeth: What?

James: It’s nothing. (smirks)

Elizabeth: Aw come on don’t do that.

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Jun 27, 2020 ⏰

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