Chapter 1 - Facts

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Fact 1-  The oldest known pet cat existed 9,500 years ago.

Fact 2- Cats spend 70% of their lives sleeping.

Fact 3- A cat was the Mayor of an Alaskan town for 20 years (bet you didn't know that one, ha)

Fact 4- The richest cat in the world had 7 million pounds, his name was Blackie.

Fact 5- Cats walk like camels and giraffes.

Fact 6- Ancient Egyptians would shave off their eyebrows when their cats died.

Fact 7- Ginger tabby cats can have freckles around their mouths and eyes.

Fact 8- Cats cannot detect sweetness.

Fact 9- Cats only use their meows to communicate with humans, not each other. The only time they meow to communicate with other felines is when they are kittens to signal their mother.

Fact 10- Cats only sweat through their paws, nowhere else.

Fact 11- A female cat can be referred to as a Molly or a queen, whereas a male cat is often labled as a tom.

Fact 12- one cat ran for Mayor of Mexico City in 2013.

Fact 13- Your cat actually recognizes your voice, but just acts too cool to care.

Fact 14- Cats are often lactose intolerant (allergic to dairy products like milk)

Fact 15- The technical term for "hairball" is "bezoar."

Fact 16- The first cat in space was French.

Fact 17- A cat has detected his human's breast cancer.

Fact 18- Cats rub against you to put their scent on you, marking them as their territory.

Fact 19- Cats lick themselves to get your scent off.

Fact 20- Most people are not allergic to the cat or their fur, but the silvia on their fur.

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