this year (𝕄𝕄𝕏𝕏)

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this year

this year is unforgettable
the amount of moments
passing by before our eyes
can process and handle

this year is impactful
the amount of lives
that are supporting, involving,
and evolving in many movements

this year is remarkable
the amount of support
and beating hearts uniting
as one to combat chaos

this year is not just revolved
living in black and white
it's time to seep and ooze
the colors of pride

author's note:

➪ hello everyone ♡︎ I hope you all liked this short
poem. I kind of wanted to get it out off my chest.
of course, I'm devastated, tired, angry, and a
whole whirlwind of emotions. I've been trying to
educate myself about the blm movement and
other important events. you guys have had it
rough for way too long. I'm so proud of those
who are spreading awareness, signing petitions,
educating yourself, and silently donating. ❤️

➪ also, this virus needs to like disappear already.
unfortunately, I live in the US and it's terrible.
despite all this, I hope you're all safe trying your
best to prevent yourself and others from being
infected 🤍 y'all know the motto 🧼 😷

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2020 ⏰

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