The Akuma

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Chat Noir's POV

After defeating another one of Hawkmoth's akumatised victims I decided it was time to ask Ladybug to be my partner outside of hero work. My chest was rising and falling rapidly as I approached her. My hand gently tapped her shoulder and my heart nearly gave out when she turned to look at me with those stunning blue bell eyes of hers.

"What is it Chat? I gotta get home fast before I transform back!" Her voice sounded a bit annoyed but I ignored it.

"I wanted to ask if you'd be my...girl-"

"Let me stop you there Chat, I've told you this a million times! I won't and NEVER will be your girlfriend! Just lay off!" With that she swung herself away.

I fell to my knees and cried in my hands as I transformed back. Plagg looked down at me concerned.

"What happened kid?"

"She...hates me...she will never love me...I give up Plagg...I...I...."

I heard the familiar sound of wings flapping near me but before I could react it nestled itself into my ring. Hawkmoth's power over me was too strong, so trying to fight him was no use.

"Chat Blanc, I am giving you the power of complete destruction, in return I want ladybug and Chat Noirs miraculous" his voice rang through my head.

My once black suit now turned a white colour and my powers felt 1000x stronger. I clenched my hand into a fist and jumped away.

"I don't follow orders from anyone, even from you Hawkmoth!!"

I somehow broke the connection between Hawkmoth and I, then proceeded to find somewhere to sleep for the night. My eyes scanned the city and I saw Marinette's balcony, memories from the night Ladybug stood me up came flooding back. More rage and hatred for Ladybug was formed but I simmered down when I remembered the time Marinette and I spent together that night. Using my staff, I jumped from rooftop to rooftop till I finally made it to Marinette's. I curled up on some old discarded fabric, probably from a failed design or something. The hatch leading to her room opened and Marinette's head peeked out.

"Huh? Who are you? You look like...Chat Noir but you're white..." her voice was smooth as silk.

"I'm Chat Blanc, would it be okay if I rested here for a while to, you know, recharge my batteries"

She smiled at me and gestured for me to come inside. I shook my head at her but she frowned at me.

"You'll catch a cold out here! Come in and I'll make you up a bed in the warmth and in the morning you can take off"

I sighed and climbed inside, nestling up on her bed. She rolled her eyes and shooed me off then proceeded to make me a bed on the floor. I curled myself up on the makeshift bed as she went to lay down up in her bed.

                                Marinette's POV

About half way through the night I felt my bed move and I looked down to see Chat Blanc curled up at my feet, purring in his sleep. I sat up and began to stroke him gently, trying not to wake the sleeping kitty. After a little while of me stroking him I started to feel really sleepy, so I drifted off myself, I dreamed about Chat Blanc. In the morning I awoke to find Chat had disappeared, truthfully I was a little disappointed but got ready for the day. I almost walked downstairs but stopped when I saw a note left on my desk. It read:

Dear Purrincess,

I'll be back tonight, I needed to get out for some fresh air and food. Keep yourself safe today, I'll keep my eye on you in case of danger.

Love, Chat Blanc 🐾

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2020 ⏰

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