The Magic Of Imagination

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once upon a time a magic wizerd aperd in the space time continuom, this wizerd was bert renalds. bert the wizerd like to make poisions, but normaly like to fly. one time he drank a poision and it made him fly. he flew along the vally of space and time to find a straded space unicorn. he helped this beutiful creater esape te evil mage of toilets. after this thay had rum and song carioky this carryed on till dawn and was enjoyable for them both. they both became friends and since the unicorn could fly forever the wizerd teamed up with him to go kill the evil mage of space and time

this carryed on for years and the wizerd got old, but the unicorn didnt cos he was magic and stuff. after many years the wizerd died and the unicorn lived. the unicorn deicided to avenge the wizerd by going and killing the grand high space time evil mage. the unicorn killed the grand high space and time evil mage and took the mages evil space time watch and went back in time to help the wizerd live forever.

In the end the wizerd and unicorn lived forever, killing all the evil mages and stuff.

I hope like this magic story of time and space.

it just came of the top of my head, thank you an good night.

BLACK VEIL BRIDES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BVB :D

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Nov 20, 2012 ⏰

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